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Monday, July 24, 2017

Swing Low Sweet Chariots: Bento Balls are the new thing in adult male fashion.. Swing by .... and grow a pair.- Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

While wandering the grid visiting new club owners I was IM’d by a friend who brought this new  adult trend to my attention. He invited me over for a massage and a closer look.

  Did you know Aeros make animated members as addons for each type of penis they make. Rather than shy away from this very important subject I decided to interview a Bento Ball wearer and see what is so spectacular about having a swingin pair. His name has been changed to avoid stalkers and gawkers.

Lanai Jarrico: Hi.. Bob: can you tell me how you stumbled upon Bento Balls?

Bob: Friend mentioned them in her profile...

Lanai Jarrico: What do you think the major appeal is and how do you like them compared to the stiff sack?

Bob: I did a search on marketplace. There was no demo. So as I already had the Aeros Magnus cock, I took the plunge. They add realism to my sl experience and also are quite a talking point. Even giving massage they gently sway ;) lol

Lanai Jarrico: Have you put them to use? If so, what was it like?

Bob: During sex they move realistically, add a new dimension to my roleplay.

Lanai Jarrico: I see. Does it come with sound effects?

Bob: No sound that I'm aware off. Althoug a slapping sound would be cool!

Lanai Jarrico: I thought I seen everything in SL and yet after 12 years... this lol. I'm curious how much to they go for?

Bob: 450L

Lanai Jarrico: One last question that Im sure my readers would like to know... What happens when you get too hot or too cold, is their a cuff and hide action or do they swing low?

Bob: Well isn't it always warm in sl?! They remain low and hung :)

Lanai Jarrico: I guess that answers the question on everyone's mind. Any final thoughts on this new  adult accessory?

Bob: well it completes me. My partner and girlfriends love my new balls. :) outta 10 I give them 11

Aero Island
For discreet shoppers:

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