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Saturday, June 24, 2017

GeekSpeak – is this the beginning of the diamond age? Join the discussion Saturday June 24th at 12pm SLT

Carbon nanotubes and other nanotechnology are only just beginning to affect our lives.  Scientists have just scratched the surface when it comes to their application.  What will we see in the future?

Carbon nanotechnology may lead to a world where nothing ever breaks down and where nothing ever gets dirty.  Imagine a world where no one needs to replace any machinery, where everything is always as perfect as when it was first made.

What effect would the unbreakable world have on the economy?  What effect would it have on our daily lives?  And what will happen when someone thinks of a method of mass production of nanotechnology?

Are manufacturing companies worried?  Should they be?  Should we be worried?  Or will it mean a world where we have less money but need fewer things, where we all work less and have more free time?

Come and talk about living in an unbreakable world.

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