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Saturday, June 3, 2017

GeekSpeak – the future of money Join the discussion Saturday June 3rd at 12pm SLT

Has money any future?  Will the time come when it does not exist?  How would the world work without money?

This week in GeekSpeak we will be discussing whether it would be possible to live without money and what form money will take, if we do still have it.

Will you get paid by the hour, carry your hard earned paper to a place where it is digitised and loses value every year?  Or can you imagine getting paid by the minute and by the time you need your credit it has gained in value because you asked it to?

Will there be central bureaucracies that control all money transactions?  Computers that warn insurance companies when you buy a burger?  Will we be taxed on every transaction?

Will there still be a place for coins and notes in the future?  Will cash mean freedom in a world where all transactions are monitored?

Rich or poor, we all have an interest in money.  So come and discuss its future.

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