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Monday, April 17, 2017

Whispering Sands Live Promotions, promoting live music in Second Life

We have the perfect entertainment match for your function. Are you planning a wedding, group launch, corporate team event, year-end party, charity drive, fashion show, birthday bash, an anniversary celebration? Or do you need to put your music venue on the grid? Let us manage all your event's musical needs from sourcing the artist right through to timing the performance.  We have many years of experience, a proven track record and many happy clients.

Want to book a singer or make that event special and memorable?  Talk to Us

Currently we represent 15 performers covering all Genres and time zones.  We’re in our third year of business and know how to make things go smoothly for the club owner or manager or even for individuals booking a special event.  You work hard to have a venue that people want to come too, or you want to make your event something that everyone will remember, we can help with all that and this is how........ 

If you’re looking for a specific performer or you need to fill a particular time slot, we’ll take your information and check the performer’s availability or who else may be available at the time you require.  We will contact you the relevant options for you to make your choice from.

Once you have narrowed your choices down to one or two people, we’ll contact the performers either in world or in real life and reconfirm that they do not have real life plans for the scheduled time and can physically be there to perform the show. This provides huge time benefits to our clients. Venues spend less time having to look for and contact individual performers to determine who can do the show, and performers spend less time having to get to know the requirements of new venues.  After both parties have agreed upon a date and time for the performance, Whispering Sands Live Promotions will ask the venue for a landmark for where the show will be performed and if there is any dress code required to attend the show.

And that’s not all folks… generally speaking you’d think that was it until show time, but it’s not when dealing with WSLP.  To ensure your booking goes smoothly, we reconfirm the show or event.  What that means is, to prevent confusion and possible double bookings, all of our confirmations are done by a single person.  Prior to sending out the confirmation, we double check the performer’s calendar and if available the venues calendar to make sure there are no conflicts or double bookings.
The confirmation includes all the details for the show; date, start and end time, location with land mark, performers name, venue name, the venue contact name, performer’s fee, dress code, the performer’s bio for event listing, a promo pic of the performer, and the performer’s stream details for the show. The confirmation with all of this information will then be sent to both the performer and the venue providing both parties with everything they need to know for the show.  This helps prevent any miscommunication or misunderstandings about the booked show.

Everyone understands that promoting a show or event is necessary. If no one knows about it, there won’t be anyone there. Of course the performers want as many people as possible to attend their shows to hear them perform, but this is not the primary reason we do as much promotion of the show we possibly can. The primary reason we do what we do, is because the performers are providing a paid service to the venues. Part of the service they provide includes attracting as many people as they can to the venue, and so that the venue can show both the performer and the audience what they have to offer.   

So how do we promote the show?

After a show is confirmed, we add it to both the performers’ individual calendar and to our master calendar. This adds the show to our daily schedule that is listed down the right hand side of our website which averages about 100 views a day.  On the day of the show we ensure the show is included on our daily schedule Facebook post which lists both the performers name and the venue name.  These posts average 350 to 400 views a day.  We arrange to have an individual Facebook post for the show on the day of the show and it is shared across multiple Facebook groups, twitter and Google plus. We add the show to our hosting schedule to make sure a host is present to promote the show in-world on the day.  Most importantly we ensure that the show is listed in the Second Life events search under live music. Because this requires land permissions only the venue themselves are able to do this.

The day before the booking we reconfirm calendars, check events listings to see if listed and if not gently remind venue that it needs to be done as this is where the huge majority of the people who attend shows on a regular basis look to determine which show they will attend for that particular hour.

On the day of the show we ensure all promotions are going out, that the host who has agreed to do show is taking care of her stuff... all of this to help get people to attend YOUR event.  If something happens in real life, for example health wise, and the performer we have booked for you cannot make the show, we will ensure you get a replacement performer to make sure your event still goes ahead and that you don’t have to panic about it.

Showtime is always hectic for all involved... making it look seamless and easy is our job.  We schedule everything from sending notices, letting the performer know who is following them, what they should be promoting, getting tags to rezz, greeting people as they arrive, and just making things go as smoothly as possible for you.

You will have noticed that 90% of what we do is done on behalf of the performers in order that a better quality show is provided and that they provide the best service they can offer a venue. This is why Whispering Sands Live Promotions is the only place to come when looking for performers.  The worry of chasing down artists, booking and confirming and then reconfirming and checking for issues is not your problem.  As they say...  try us, you may like us!

Please have a look around and get in touch if you would like to use our services.

Management Team:

Jorrdan Jarman

Keileigh Galaxy


Troy Nelson 

Winter Fleur

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