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Sunday, April 2, 2017


A new project opens on Linden Endowment for the Arts Region 4 Sunday, April 2nd.  Poetry of the Planets is a community poetry project conceived and created by Caledonia Skytower, known best for her work with Seanchai Library.  Skytower combines her decades of real world professional experience in theatrical design, with a life long involvement in both vocal and instrumental music, to conjure an installation whose intent is to inspire the writing of poetry.

No stranger to writing Skytower, who has self-published nine titles published of of fiction, poetry and reflective essays, sees this as a re-arrangement of something she has been doing for years. "This goes back to the beginning of my career, before i designed my first musicals and operettas.  I would always come up with a play list of music to have running while I worked on a show. I was weened on Disney's Fantasia, and I have a keen appreciation for how music can heighten a creative journey."

Inspired by Gustav Holst's symphonic suite The Planets, Skytower has created seven "planets"  in the air above LEA 4, each themed to a different movement:  Venus; the Bringer of Peace, Mercury: the Winged Messenger, etc. Residents can teleport from the terrain level to each location, use a URL link station to play that particular movement of Holst's symphony in their internet browser, explore the environment that has been inspired by the music, and are then invited to be inspired themselves to write poetry.

Poems can be submitted  to be the featured poem of the day on the  Poetry of the Planets project blog, which will also be shared on facebook and Google +. Writers retaining full rights to their compositions.   In May, Skytower will select poems to be featured at a live reading event.  Additionally, a poetry resource center is available at LEA 4 for those interested in cultivating their muse.

Information can be found on the project blog, and at the installation itself.  Poetry of the Planets will be open through the end of May on LEA 4.

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