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Monday, April 24, 2017

All that matters is the music... an interview with AleyKat - Lacy Muircastle reporting...

It is said that music is perhaps the most powerful external influence that shapes who you are—how you think, how you feel, and who you become.  In fact, the very word music comes from the root word muse which literally means “to be absorbed in thought.” That’s what music does, it absorbs our conscious and subconscious mind and directs those thoughts.

“I feel so in the moment... like nothing else matters... all that matters is the music. It's exhilarating and freeing.” AleyKat.

I had the pleasure of interviewing AleyKat (Aleylia Resident), a relative newcomer to the SL music scene.  Although she’s been in SL for over six years, it’s been the last year that she’s found the destination of her journey… Music.

Like so many others before her, she was on a different website, and a friend of hers told her about Second Life and showed her the ropes... she was hooked instantly.

I asked her how her SL journey had been, she replied, “It's been a rollercoaster, to be honest. The personal friendships can sometimes be tricky to navigate but the creativity and almost unlimited possibilities are incredible to me.”

Aley said that somewhat amazingly she only discovered the live music scene in Second Life when she was about five years old... “I don't know how that happened! I fell in love with listening to all these wonderful performers and a friend of mine knew that I had a background IRL of singing and encouraged me to give it a go. I think it is an astonishing thing that you can sit in the comfort of your own home and listen LIVE to musicians basically free at the point of delivery. Some people who may not ever be able to access live music now have a chance to listen- I truly believe music enriches your life like almost nothing else.”

I asked her if she thought that SL was a valid platform for people to explore their creativity and did it translate to that creativity being transferred back into the real world?

She said, “I believe 100% that SL is a valid platform and it can be transferred into RL if desired. I don't know if it would personally help me transfer SL audience to RL audience numbers but it might help some with their confidence and in turn, then enable them to feel able to perform IRL if they wanted that.”

She’s involved in music in many different aspects in real life but LOVES being able to perform from the comfort of her own home and not have to stress about lugging equipment around.
Aley has tentatively begun to pen her own music.  She said, “I started recently but still I'm learning... I draw inspiration from RL.  It’s scary though because you're exposing yourself and putting yourself out there.  It makes you feel very vulnerable.”

Her role model in SL is one of her closest friends, Savannah Rain.  Aley said, “She works so hard, always has a kind word for her fans and time for them, and her heart is one of the best I know.
AleyKat said that after family and close friends, music means everything to her. She’s constantly grateful and amazed that she gets to sing in Second Life and people actually come and listen and support her. “I never take it for granted, ever,” she said.

She loves being able to share her passion for music with people and says it's an honour when people tell her she’s made them feel better or uplifted a rubbish day for them.  On the other hand, she said it’s hard if she’s had a really bad day and then has to try to put on a good performance.  She added, “Often though it cheers me up a lot to sing: D It's also a pain sometimes having to sing at 1am... 5 pm SLT... that sometimes makes me tired.”  Being from the UK, it requires some juggling with time zones.
As for critics of her music, she said, “Hey everyone is entitled to their own opinion.  As long as it's presented in a polite manner I have no problem with people that don't like what I do.”

I asked if I was to turn on her iPod right now, what five artists/songs would I see on her recently played list?

She replied. “Probably a song I'm learning as a request... a couple of hits from the musicals.... a song from Oh Wonder.... and some PMJ.”
She plans on singing for as long as people will come and listen.  She is the good hands of the team at Whispering Sands Live Promotions, and they will see to it that she does.  Badone was Aley’s first manager, but she joined WSLP for financial reasons.  She is very happy with their representation of her.  They are totally professional and have never let her down, what's more, she says that Jorr and Keileigh have become great friends of hers.

AleyKat’s sound in five words:
Unique, vintage, eclectic, passionate, emotional.

To catch the lovely AleyKat in action, check the Whispering Sands Live Promotions schedule, which is regularly updated right here in the SL Enquirer.

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