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Saturday, April 22, 2017

GeekSpeak – life on an orbital station: Join the discussion Saturday April 22nd at 12pm SLT

It is already possible to visit the International Space Station as a tourist.  When there are several giant space stations just a 10 minute flight from earth many people will want to visit.

What will life be like on a zero gravity space station?  Will the stations be the most popular tourist destinations ever?  Or cheap theme parks with bad food?

The views of earth will be amazing.  Zero gravity will be fun, at least for a while.  Will ordinary earth sports be possible on the stations?  Will there be new zero gravity sports?  Will new laws be needed?  How long will tourists be able to stay before they become physically unable to return to earth?

If some people live and work there permanently will they, or their children, differ physically from earth people?  Will the sky people consider themselves superior?

Come and help us write the future travel guides to space, with a hitchhiking section of course.

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