To raise awareness and get ready for the Kickoff Celebration of the 2017 Relay season, Relay For Life of Second Life invites you to turn the grid purple starting March 4 through March 12! Why purple? It’s the official color of Relay For Life because purple is the universal color for cancer awareness and Relay For Life raises money for research of all types of cancers. We invite you to join us for a special purple celebration day Saturday, March 4 starting at 9am slt. Tell your friends and help us get the word out for Paint SL Purple week!
How can you participate? Turn your Second Life purple! Wear purple clothes, purple hair, and even purple skin. Turn your house purple, paint your grass purple! Do you own a store? Paint your store purple. The goal is for people to take notice!
Take the purple to the next level by forming a team and registering. Check out our website, for information on how you can register a team and join in Relay.
To help with your overall purpleness, we’ll be sending out a Paint SL Purple kit too! You can also get the kit after March 4 at this SLURL: on American Cancer Society Island.
Our purple reign on the grid started in 2009 and has been growing each year. Tell us about all the purpleness you see on the Relay For Life of Second Life’s Facebook page, or on Twitter, @RelayForLife_SL. Use the hashtags, #RelayForLifeSL and #PaintSLpurple. You can even take purple out to the rest of the web by painting your Facebook and Twitter pages purple too!
The theme of the 2017 Relay For Life of Second Life season is “Passport To Hope”. The Steering Committee is comprised of the 2017 Relay for Life of Second Life Chair Nuala Maracas, and co chairs Grace Loudon and Leala Spire.
About Relay For Life of Second Life
Relay For Life is the signature event of the American Cancer Society and has been active, and continually growing in Second Life for 13 years. In 2005, the first Relay For Life of Second Life (RFL of SL) was attended by a few hundred avatars and raised almost $5,000 US dollars for the American Cancer Society. As of July 2014 RFL of SL ranked number 17th in donations received among more than 5600 relay events held worldwide. As of January, 2017 RFL of SL celebrated raising 3 million US dollars to support the mission of the Society to 'Save Lives, Celebrate Lives and Lead The Fight for A World Without Cancer!
About the American Cancer Society
For more than 100 years, the American Cancer Society has been working to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays and is the world leader in the fight to end cancer. Together with our global partners and millions of supporters, the American Cancer Society carries out its mission to Save Lives, Celebrate Lives, and Lead the Fight for a World Without Cancer.
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