On March 24th Rossini Events will hold a 10 hour event in aid of the Feed a Smile charity
This follows up our hugely successful events in January and February for the same wonderful charity. This month we have been given the use of a terrific location right on the Blake Sea so it will be possible to sail there as well as the more conventional tp.
Again we have a hand picked array of some of the best performers and DJs that Second Life has to offer.
The timetable goes like this:
Bios of all the artists and DJs involved can be found here:
The event is sponsored by Meerkats Estates
The event will be held in The Pavilion ay Holly Kai Park
About Rossini Events
Rossini Events was established in July 2016 - a collaboration between MichaelJ Rossini and Valeri Carissa.
Full details can be found at http://michaeljrossini.wixsite.com/rossinievents
As well as providing private and public events we also pride ourselves on the charity fundraisinng events we organize.
We aim to have a charity event every month, and the charities we support are Feed a Smile, Relay for Life and Making Strides
To date, we have raised over 240k for these charities
Our success is largely down to the quality of our entertainers - we use only the very best. We also use some of the very best venues in Second Life
Everyone involved in our events donates their time free of charge, and every penny we raise goes directly to the charity concerned.
If you have any questions, or require further info, please contact MichaelJ Rossini or email michaeljrossini@gmail.com
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