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Friday, March 31, 2017

Bid The Lindens Bald-A Bid Me Bald Challenge – April 1st to 19th

In celebration of the 10th Season of the Relay Rockers signature fundraiser Bid Me Bald, the team announces a very special Bid Me Bald Challenge Event: BID THE LINDENS BALD to be held during the first 2 weeks of April.

Three teams of Linden avatars will join with the Rockers to support the Relay For Life of Second Life by challenging each other to ‘put their hair on the line’ for donations to Relay.

The teams, from the Concierge and Land Operations & LDPW and Customer Accounts departments, agree to dress their avatars without hair for a period determined by the total donations in the ‘winning’ team’s Kiosk.  The teams with the highest totals will get to keep their hair and the challenger will go bald 1 day for every L$5000 (or part of) raised by the top team.

The participating Lindens are:

The Concierge Team: Kat Linden, Whitney Linden, TJ Linden, Izzy Linden, Madori Linden, Vix Linden, Derrick Linden, Boris Linden, Theresa Linden and Lillian Linden .

The Land Operations & LDPW Team: Dee Linden, Patch Linden Bianca Linden, Silent Mole, Vitae Linden, Kona Linden, Kiera Linden, Magic Mole, Ancient Mole  and Shaman Linden.

The Customer Accounts Team: Ami Linden, Corki Linden, Kristin Linden, Ginger Linden, Jagix Linden, Solo Linden, Sparky Linden and Tommy Linden.

Each Team will place a special Kiosk at Relay dAlliez on April 1st and donations to the kiosks will continue until Haircut Day – April 19th @ 2-pm.  Kiosks will be totaled and Governor Linden will shear each of the Team Members during a special Bid Me Bald Party at Relay dAlliez
SLURL to kiosks at Relay dAlliez:

*Bid Me Bald recognizes, with honor and respect,  those for whom the choice was made, not by themselves, but by Chemotherapy and other cancer treatments.  We have the choice and we choose to sacrifice our hair to honor these Survivors and to help the American Cancer Society Save Lives, Celebrate Lives and Lead The Fight for a World Without Cancer*

For More information contact:
Trader1 Whiplash
Bid Me Bald Coordinator

Arizona Ballinger
Captain, 2017 Relay Rockers

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