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Thursday, March 16, 2017

ART DREAMS : An in depth interview with SL Artist Jolie.Lisa - Dean Lawson Reporting


Taught by Masters from the Cape School of Art in Provincetown, Massachusetts.... Jolie's  style and techniques blossom with color and sensuality.  Her work is post -Impressionist and Fantasy. Additionally Jolie earned a dual B.A. in Art Studio, Art History and received a state Teacher Certification in Art Education K-12.  After many rewarding years teaching Art in public schools Jolie is happily exploring new worlds in digital arts.  

Dean : Could you tell me about your experience as an artist in real life?
Jolie : My work in virtual/digital art is a new direction in a long art career.  I am classically trained in plein-air technique in real life and studied intensively to painting from life, be it portrait, still life or landscape.  I started showing in publlc shows at the age of 19 and that same year worked as a sidewalk portrait artist for Walt Disney World.  In the next few years I was often involved in instruction of drawing and painting as well.  It was then I decided to complete a university degree in Studio Art and Art History combined with a state certificate in Art K-12.  I taught many wonderful children in many schools, mostly inner city. After finding myself retired I discovered an extremely enjoyable virtual world with my new computer and became immersed in Second Life.  In this world the landscapes and tableaux available seem never ending and various;  there is always a new scene or setting to challenge me and to capture.

Dean : Could you tell me about your experience as an artist in Second Life?
Jolie : I explored first and made many noob blunders : ) learning to navigate.  As soon as I was comfortable with things I started noticing avatars in poses with light and shadow . I learned I could assess them as a figure or portrait study. That is when I started taking photographs and looking around for editing programs that would not be too complex.

Dean :  Some of your images appear to have multiple layers, including text, could you elaborate on the technical process by which you create your images?
Jolie : I work as much as possible in the same manner I would in RL.  I start with the broad composition and add general color scheme and tonal layer first.  I work up from non detailed to highly detailed things in the picture plane, balancing the tone and contrast all through.  And I "save" in between each layer.

Dean : What are your artistic influences? What inspires you?
Jolie : I studied with Elliott McMurrough and with Henry Hensche, both teachers from the Cape School of Art in Massachusetts. I will add a link where the theory and lineage of this awesome school can be learned.
Dean : Is there anything you would like our readers to know about you and your art work?
Jolie : Art work is not, first of all, a product. It is a working of the mind whose outcome improves with practice and skill.  Not trying to sound lofty but many people see a gallery as a "business" where the success is measure in number of sales.  Truly if I were to be concerned with these matters above everything I would be making products more easily sold. 
However my studies with Elliott and Henry began when I was a terribly confused yet talented adolescent who had no idea where to go or what to do.  The strength of character, the orderly thinking , the ability to qualitativeley assess art all began in my studies with these two great teachers whose names are well known in the American art world of plein-air painters.
My life took a few turns that made relying on my career as an artist impossible although I always kept painting.  I eventually earned a college degree and certificate to teach public school art which I did for 10 years.
Happily I discovered a thriving art community in SL and the option of using new techniques, the wonder of windlight settings and the ability to virtually travel to so many exceptional locations.  My personal art career revived itself and here I am learning something new and extraordinary every day.  The more I exhibit or use Flickr to share my work the more skilled I become at pushing boundaries and striving for excellence in my work.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Dean for a thoughtful and interesting article - especially the section explaining the bridge between actual and virtual reality in art work.


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