Second Life Residents Invited To Participate in the World's Largest Virtual Fundraising Event!
Relay For Life of Second Life Team Registration opens at 6 am SLT on Sunday, February 12, 2017.
Led by Event Leadership Team chair Nuala Maracas and co-chairs Leala Spire and Grace Devin, the 2017 season kicks off March 5th and continues through Relay For Life Weekend in Second Life on the 15th & 16th of July. The theme for the 2017 Relay season is “Passport To Hope".
Team Registration Details
• Captains may register their teams beginning Feb 12th by visiting
and clicking the TEAM REGISTRATION button.
• Teams are recommended to have at least 5 members
• Captains will be asked to set a goal for their team.
• Teams who meet the minimum fundraising levels will be eligible for a campsite and for real life prizes and awards.
A new Supporter category has been created to give credit to non-team entities who in the past have
raised funds for Relay using General Donations kiosks.These businesses, clubs or organizations can contact PrettyKitty Gumbo in world to be assigned a “Supporter” number and receive fundraising tools.
"This year we are not just going to think outside the box," said event Chair Nuala Maracas. "We are going to Break The Box! Together we are going to make a difference. Together we are going to help our American Cancer Society finish this fight!"
About Relay For Life of Second Life
Relay For Life is the signature event of the American Cancer Society and has been active, and continually growing in Second Life for 13 years. In 2005, the first Relay For Life of Second Life (RFL of SL) was attended by a few hundred avatars and raised almost $5,000 US dollars for the American Cancer Society. As of July 2014 RFL of SL ranked number 17th in donations received among more than 5600 relay events held worldwide. As of January, 2017 RFL of SL celebrated raising 3 million US dollars to support the mission of the Society to 'Save Lives, Celebrate Lives and Lead The Fight for A World Without Cancer!
About the American Cancer Society
For more than 100 years, the American Cancer Society has been working to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays and is the world leader in the fight to end cancer. Together with our global partners and millions of supporters, the American Cancer Society carries out its mission to Save Lives, Celebrate Lives, and Lead the Fight for a World Without Cancer.
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