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Sunday, February 19, 2017

A MODICUM OF COLOR: An in depth interview with SL Artist Ilyra Chardin - Dean Lawson Reporting


Ilyra Chardin is a real life and Second Life artist. In a previous interview I had a chance to discuss Ilyra's Second Life images, this time Ilyra treated me to a tour of her art installation “A Modicum of Color”.
Dean : Hi, thanks for taking the time to meet with me, is the name “A Modicum of Color” intended to be ironic?
Ilyra : Well, no.  there are tiny bits of color here and there … like the flowers over by the barn ... or the red or blue sailboats ... tiny bits of color here and there.  that was the intention

Dean : We both seem to be dressed for this installation, with grey clothes ... Did you build the objects in the installation or did you modify objects to reduce the color?
Ilyra : A little of both.  i uploaded tons of new textures.  and i also built some things from scratch.  I didn't do any mesh for this installation, but I am currently working on brand new - original - and I hope unique - meshes for the next installation, which is planned for sometime in March.

Dean : What inspired you to create an installation that is primarily black and white?
Ilyra : The primary reason was to create a 3 dimensional environment that highlighted pockets of color.  I thought a predominately black, white and grey build would create a dreamlike environment.  I also thought it would be soothing ... I thought, too, that anyone coming to pose here would stand out - their av and their clothing - if they wore colorful clothes
Dean : You mentioned that there was a problem with the color of the sky as seen through your viewer, for people to get the best effect of your installation is there a windlight setting they should choose incase it doesn't automatically adjust when they arrive at the installation?
Ilyra : Phototools B/W Light 02 … let me show the garden of flowers that i had mentioned … this was one of the first things that I envisioned and built - the flowers with parts of color.  I later made the flowerr painters and had them painting sections of the flowers.

Dean : It's very nice, why didn't you give color to all the flowers?
Ilyra : i really wanted to show the transition from greyscale to a colorful world ... and really highlight it by coloring just pieces of the flowers
Dean : What’s next on our tour?
Ilyra : This is Art in the Park - a gallery with other artists - some of my work - that is in theme - in tandem with A Modicum of Color … Sandi is a close friend ... she shot that on the sim as I was building it.

To find out more about Art in the Park or Ilyra Chardin you can visit her blog or visit the art installation “A Modicum Of Color"

Dean Lawson

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