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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

SPOTLIGHT on KyrinCorvus- A DJ, Enforcer and Security.- Lanai Jarrico Reporting

If you can think it , chances are it is in Second Life. That is the great thing about this amazing virtual world. You can do or be whatever you want or express your style, skills and curiosity.  For me it has always involved virtual world media but I also love to explore and have fun when I am not in search of the next topic to post in The SL Enquirer. Many times I find inspiration directly from activites I get involved in. Recently, I was a guest on The Pamela Live Show discussing SLE and thought it would be a great idea to give a Spotlight Feature to an audience member. 

Before the show I set out a raffle jar on the stage and at the end, a winner was drawn.  You don’t have to own a business to be the subject of an SLE interview. Everyone in Second Life has a story. That is was makes Second Life a neverending source for news. KyrinCorvus was the winner of The SL Enquirer Spotlight feature that night. He is a DJ at mOBSCENE, the Enforcer in Diablos Legion (MC) Motorcycle Club and also happens to be security for the Pamela Live show.

Interview with KyrinCorvus

Lanai: How did you discover Second Life?
KyrinCorvus: I was looking for a new alternative way to chat and meet people compared to the choices at the time. I didn’t much like Second Life at first but came back a year ago and rather enjoy it

Lanai: I’ve hear that from a few people. A Second look brings more clarity. Would you consider Second Life a game or an extension of your real life?
KyrinCorvus:  Second life to me is an extension to real life because it is a way I can spend time with the people I care about the most.

Lanai: What type of things are you involved with in SL?
KyrinCorvus: I am the Dj Manager @ the mOBSCENE,  Enforcer @DLMC, Im learning how to Build motorcycles. Along with many other things

Lanai: You are a busy man. Can you tell our readers about The mOBSCENE?
The mOBSCENE was created by real life family members Raiven (tricialyn) and Halen (schminke) as well as myself, after we decided we wanted a club where we could all hang out and work in Second Life together. Raiven likes to dance, I like to DJ, and Halen likes to ensure operations run smoothly, so we work together incredibly well. The mOBSCENE is a mixture of gothic style, rock music, and a grunge atmosphere, which when combined has created a very unique, alternative hangout for all of us, and anyone else who has had trouble "fitting in" in Second Life.

Lanai: Having family working together in SL must make for interesting conversation at family functions lol. It seems to work well for you. So KyrinCorvus, you are also involved with a Motorcycle Club, can you tell me about it?

KyrinCorvus: I am theEnforcer @Diablos Legion MC, We are a small Group founded by jimmiejax, the president is Cowboy Sunny and the vice president is Caramena , we are looking for members to join our MC so message them with questions.

I’ve hang out at MCs before. I have to say it is like one big family. The atmosphere is more involved in conversation and activitives than the usual music venues with regulars.  Another thing I think is so great is the charity work involved in the MC community. Many Motorcycle Clubs do charity work in Second Life, what causes does your MC support?

KyrinCorvus:  Being a relatively new member we do support all charities but haven't been working with any at this time.

Lanai: When you do, let me know I think it is a great community services. What other things are you involved in on the grid?

KyrinCorvus: I am security for the Pamela Live show,  an advisor for JPAW Radio, and a layout designer for Infinity Magazine, I have my irons in a lot of fires

Wow, working for a magazine alone can be demanding.  I wish you well in all you aspire to do in Second Life. Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers as we look ahead to 2017?

KyrinCorvus: I am working on opening up a Motorcycle Shop.  (no grand opening as of yet). I would like to thank Lanai Jarrico for this opportunity and wishes of luck in 2017.

Additional Links:

Diablos Legion MC
Pamela Live Show

1 comment:

  1. Kyrin forgot to mention The mOBSCENE Grand Opening is February 16th. It is closed to the public until then as it is still under construction. :-)


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