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Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Top 5 Combat Sims in SL – Camury Reporting...

En Garde… Time to dust off your weapon of choice and get ready to have fun in the combat games! Combat is a type of interactive multiplayer conflict within a game between two or more online participants. In Second Life you can join combat events where the residents have fun simulating fights against other residents based on pre-established rules that constitute the combat system.

There are two types of combat systems in Second Life: Linden Lab’s combat system (LLCS) and the combat systems created by residents. For many residents, the LL’s combat system doesn’t offer the expected flexibility of those who play various multiplayer games.   As a result teams of residents have started creating their own combat systems using the tools of creation available to all residents. Subsequently the communities of role players grew, and now combat is a popular activity throughout Second Life.

Some SL sims are designed for the sole purpose of combat, on other sims combat is part of a bigger role-playing theme.

There are thousands of weapons in Second Life to choose from, i.e. melee weapons through to ranged weapons.

A melee weapon is a weapon used in hand-to-hand combat such as a bladed weapon or a blunt weapon. The term Melee originated in the 1640s from the French word mêlée, which refers to hand-to-hand combat, a close quarters battle, a brawl, a confused fight, etc.

A ranged weapon is any weapon that can harm targets at distances greater than hand-to-hand distance.  That’s not all as  there are also grenades, traps, magic spells and other types of weapons specific to each game.

For beginners, places like New Jessie, New Bastogne, Tulagi, SSOC, and Public LLCS combat areas, like Rausch, are a good idea. They cater to different tastes, and therefore are the five combat areas that we will have a look at. 

New Jessie

New Jessie is the premier SIM for conventional combat in Second Life where everybody are welcomed. There is a healthy mix of combat blocks in a small town, as well as a pair of bunkers and a shore front with barbed wire and tank spikes.  In New Jessie you will find a weapons’ store, many free weapons and a combat museum detailing the history of combat’s early days in Second Life.

New Bastogne

In the New Bastogne regions, you can find several WW2 groups specific to role play (RP) in Second Life. Several groups were created, in the SIM, to augment the combat games that normally occur. The SIM, simulate NAZI Occupied France. You may want to be part of the La Résistance Française, a group dedicated to espionage and sabotage role play in this WW2 Era. They work in coordination with the following groups: ALLIED INTELLIGENCE and 366 Squadron RAF and have fun running different missions.


Come and join combat at the home of the Jeogeot Gulf Freight System. Haul, defend or sink freight for cool rewards and even free warships.  Set out to sea on the biggest combat ocean on the grid with close to 40 open rez sims themed around WW2 in the Pacific. VICE LANCE & More!

SSOC Tokyo-Wind Hill City

Come check out the action in the SSOC Tokyo-Wind Hill City. This is a modern sim with a modern military-combat area in the tradition of a Japanese city. You can watch and participate in realistic urban military combat and have fun with an original combat system.

Public LLCS combat areas

Rausch, Blue Base and Red Base are a few of the most popular public combat sims of the LLCS. These three sims are free-for-all sandboxes. There is a “safe zone” in Rausch where you cannot be attacked.  It’s usually surrounded by big yellow markers where you can find other players and get information. Rausch is a public sandbox and unlike a private combat sim, anything goes there.  It’s very likely that you will be killed before you know who killed you, although it also means that you can kill others the same way.

The Destination Guide includes fun places to visit for combat games.  These are listed under the Sports and Games category, as well as the Role-playing Communities category.

Choose your favorite combat area and have FUN!

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