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Wednesday, November 9, 2016

An in depth interview with Nikolas Actor - Dean Lawson reporting is a social network website created by Second Life resident Nikolas Actor for other Second Life residents. I had the good fortune to speak with Nikolas about this new project.
Dean Lawson : Could you describe what is?
Nikolas Actor : is a social network for second life’s users. It is unbelievably flexible and easy to use. With you can advertise your products, create groups, organize events, write blogs and so much more…
Dean Lawson : What was your inspiration for
Nikolas Actor : Good question, i find a lot of difficulties trying to get in touch with my friends, when i'm using someone else's laptop, more over when you make an account in facebook for your second life account, it only takes one single report to lose your facebook account ... so i had this idea of making a social network ... it helps also the seller ... they can stay in touch with their customers they can check their messages easily and offer support them support … and of course there is a "Newsfeed"which allow anyone to publish photo/video/status or whatever, and it goes live everyone using onlinker can see it … so it makes it easier for advertising and other things.
Dean Lawson : Before inviting me to your office you sent me a message stating you wanted to verify my account for Is this a standard practice?
Nikolas Actor : It's our policy, we are trying to keep everyone using their own avatar's name … because someone may use someone else name and cause him/her problem here in world ... so people with the tag "Verified" are using their own names to keep things safe
Dean Lawson : If people do not verify their identity with you are their accounts deleted?

Nikolas Actor : Yes, after a certain time … we have a good team, always someone is online, however if none is online users can leave a message saying that they are the owners of the account in our website
Dean Lawson : On your profile it says you have been a Second Life Resident for 7 years 8 months. Is this the first time you've created this type of project?
Nikolas Actor : Yes this is the first time, i'm just back to sl a month ago and i started … there will be more one or two more project related to it soon …  I'm working on some Networked Adboards which will be controlled from a single server and the ads can be showed in several adboards around the second life grid the adboards locations will be displayed on as well
Dean Lawson : If someone wanted to join your team how would they do this? Is this a paid position or volunteer?
Nikolas Actor : For now there is only volunteer positions, because we are a free social network we don't ask users to pay to use our services, however in the future the team will paid for sure

Dean Lawson : is currently holding a logo contest, did you want to explain what this is for our readers?
Nikolas Actor: Sure … in our community everything is done, by the vote of users … so right now the contest, which was an idea of our sponsors ... we are asking people to make a Logo for and the winning logo will be set as the official one and the winner get L$10,000 donated by our sponsors

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