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Saturday, October 8, 2016

GeekSpeak – what are you going to do on Mars? Saturday, October 8th at 12pm SLT

Last week Elon Musk unveiled his plan to send a million people to Mars.  Suddenly the question has changed from how to get there to what job will you do on Mars when you do get there.  Will you start a barber shop?  Or run a pizza hut?  Or become an oxygen dealer?  Or set up a hydroponics farm?  When will the new nation of Mars be established?

Give us your thoughts on how to start a society from scratch in a 38% gravity environment.  Will it succeed?  If you think it is all an impossible dream, tell us why.

Bring your space suit or terraforming tools to GeekSpeak.  IM Kathen Ohtobide if you need a teleport.

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