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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

TO MESH OR NOT TO MESH Part 2 -MESH HEADS - Dean Lawson Reporting

If, in your journey through Second Life, you encounter a severed head floating through the air it may be poor Yorick, or at least his ghost, but more likely, it is a mesh head whose body has yet to rez. In a previous article I asked Second Life Residents to discuss the pros and cons of using a mesh body, this time we discussed the heads.

In an interview with Ilsa Hesse-Heron (ilsa.hesse), Ilsa replied : “for some reason, and I can’t really tell you why, I love mesh bodies, feet, hands, etc, but mesh heads kind of creep me out O.O. … maybe its that to begin with they all kind of looked the same … that, and they were all kind of emotionless...

Barry Smithson replied : LOL it’s funny you came up with this because me and my better half was at a venue and all we saw were mesh heads and no bodies.

When asked why she purchased a mesh head ღƧραиƘʏღ (bigcupofstfu) responded : my friends pressured me into it lol … I was not use to using a whole alpha system so that was confusing. Also the mesh takes longer to rez but it looks much better quality wise … the only downside I notice is the rezzing. It takes a while for me to see my own head and sometimes I have to relog so other people can see it. Other than that I have no problems.

Blogger and Second Life photographer Barbara Mali had this to say on the subject : “pros, i think avies look much better and realistic, more proportioned, some of the animations are nice, also the blinking ... it is good to take pics … cons: you have to use another hud, some are complicated, i think we are losing our “identity” we all look in the same way now … i think they are working in new projects so you can modify them so they can be personalized, now there are many options and models, trying demos is a nightmare, there are appliers and so many add ons, it is insane … another con, they are expensive

Mesh Builder Lakota Valkai had many insightful comments on the subject :  I am a fan of mesh, but i will also say it can be a pain in the ass for the new and inexperienced to work and deal with … inexperienced users have trouble with mesh sometimes due to whats known as “rigging” ... rigging either will, or will not permit you to modify an objects size and proportions ... With clothing, modification is almost always necessary … and if its "Rigged" then you cant alter its size … the realism with mesh is more easily attained … But mesh is expensive because of the time involved in creating it

SL Artist and Machinima producer Ozymandius King replied : Mesh is great for photography and machinima but I think the next step is to start creating mesh heads that the user can customize, not just the color of the skin and the hair, but the cheek bones, the nose, the brow the lips etc. As of the moment I prefer to use older system human heads over mesh because I can change the expression and manipulate the facial features to create a unique avatar which is important for visually telling a story.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Guardian Ramesis, is that your Samurai sword or are you happy to see me?


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