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Monday, September 12, 2016

Seven Years and Still Running: London City Celebrates its 7th Anniversary All September By Lilya Luv

London City’s 7th anniversary celebrations all this month

London City is celebrating its 7th anniversary this month with events every day. As one of the longest running and popular communities, London City is mainstay in Second Life. Just under a year ago London City collaborated with Linden Lab to launch London City Gateway as a way for newbies to learn the ropes. We speak with Torric Rodas, founder of London City, about the community, why he thinks London City is an attraction in Second Life, and we find out the weirdest thing that happened to him.

What do you enjoy most about the London City community?

Diversity. The huge variety of different people popping through every day. London City receives about 3,000 unique visitors each day, all with different perspectives on life.

What do you think it is about London City that attracts people?

The estate hopefully covers most bases of a self contained city. It has over a hundred stores all in London Streets. Five clubs for different lifestyles including a dedicated LGBT venue, Madame Lala's. We also have a large hangout area, a comprehensive freebie shop, a park, residential regions, and a landscaped region--many people live and work here.

In December 2015 London City Gateway opened. It is an official Community Gateway run under the guidance of Linden Lab and welcomes many hundreds of brand new users each and every day.

Trafalgar Square in London City

What are some weird things you have seen happen here over the years or while you were a moderator?

All sorts every day. Someone landed a 40 meter zeppelin next to me as I am writing this.

What would you recommend newbies do when they come to London City?

We encourage new users to begin with the New User Tutorial in the London City Gateway first.  It has a basic walk-through tutorial, where at the end they can elect to either enter the community immediately, or take a left turn and go on to the more in depth lessons. Once in London City, there is a huge freebie store for those who want to customize their look, or they can hang out and make friends in the hub area.

You can take a ride in London City’s double-decker bus

What are some upcoming events related to the 7-year celebration?

Events are run 7 days a week, with a weekend concert every Saturday at 12:00PM SLT.

For example, more recently we had a very tongue in cheek tribute to Televangelism with a full show starring Vestal Virgin. On Saturday September 17, we will have a special party on the mainland region, Mephilo Tor. There is a small parcel there that we still own. It is where we first started London City, but we ran out of room within 6 months and moved to private islands.

We have a tribute act every Saturday produced and choreographed  by our own team, The London Players.

The parcel in Mephilo Tor where it all began in 2009 for London City

Is there anything else you would like to say about the London City community?

We recognise the differences that exist between people beyond age and experience, such as gender, race, ethnicity, mental and physical ability, creed, colour, caste, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, education, marital, financial and other statuses.  We believe that the differences and varied perspectives of life that people bring with them, has a positive impact on the community and is a strength to be embraced.  

And on a personal note, I would like to thank the cast and crew of London City, the admins, support agents, merchants, visitors and our patrons. Without them, London City would never have become the most popular destination in Second Life.

To check out London City’s latest events and celebration, visit or teleport to London City.

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