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Saturday, September 17, 2016

GeekSpeak – how should we prepare for a global warming disaster? Saturday , Sept. 17th 12pm SLT

Last week NASA published a new report on climate change.  They say we have only five short years left before a runaway greenhouse effect starts on earth.  If we can’t stop it, we should prepare for it.  So what should we do?

We may be facing enormous floods, massive extinctions, millions of climate refugees, wars to keep out climate refugees, food shortages because of failed crops and cities sinking underwater because of rising sea levels.

Is there any place where we can survive global warming?  Antarctica is a huge continent.  When all the ice has gone maybe we should go and live there.

What plans do you have for the future?  Don’t be scared, be prepared.  Come and prepare with us at GeekSpeak.

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