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Saturday, August 20, 2016

Spotlight on TX Gear Mainstore and the man behind High Quality and Innovative Gadgets and Script Packages, Cars, Trucks, Trailers, Tractors, Helicoptors, Media and more- Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

In Second Life if you can imagine it, you can build it or have it build for you by a creator. What takes many of us just minutes to purchase takes top creators months and even years to perfect. One such creator has spent the last 2 years out of 8 focused on realistic vehicles with high quality scripts and innovative products.
Tech Robonaught has pushed the Second Life industrial market into high gear. Approximately 98% of what he sells is full permissions and affordable. That is almost unheard of. Tech also invented the first trailering and fueling systems as well as a tow package, hydraulics, gadgets and more for those who like big trucks and highly detailed vehicles.

Interview with Tech Robonaught
Congratulations on become an SL Millionaire in you’re the first year with TX Mainstore.  That means your creations are in high demand. I’ve seen many vehicles in Second Life but not to the degree of your work. What inspired you to build the truck and tractor trailer market in Second Life? Are these vehicles fully operational?

Tech:  Thanks.  The reason behind the invention of the TX Trailer and Tow, (which was the first release or the scriptset which has evolved into TX Truck and Trailer) is pretty simple.  I got angry. I can explain ...  A couple of years ago, everyone was building cars and bikes and I wanted to build Tractors and Trailers.  The vehicle scripts were plentiful to make the trucks, but absolutely nothing was available for making Trailers.  I visited the one shop I could find that had a couple of trailers for sale.  (copy- no modify) I tried to inquire as to how they worked.  Builder wouldnt discuss it.  So that made me angry and I proposed I would invent something ANYONE could use and build trailers with. So I did. I found out only recently, his trailers were purely physical and had a speed limit before disconnecting of about 30 Kmph.  So they wouldnt have been the answer I wanted anyways.  Mine are part physics and part scripting, can go as fast as sim conditions will allow, up and down hills, have working features like lights and air brakes and more ... Once the trailer was done, I found normal vehicle scripts lacked things I wanted, like inverted reverse steering, for backing trailers up, is a more natural way to steer, slower speeds and lower / closer together gear ratios, brakes, locking mechanisms and such for the trailers built into the truck again, caused me to wrote my own ... what I couldn't figure out, I hired out.   I'm rambling now ... anyhow, its spawned an entire new market, not only for vehicle builders, but for truck shells, trailer shells, sound and pose makers as well.  To finish my answer, yes, your Truck and Trailer package some with a fully assembled roadworthy Tractor and Trailer. Full permissions.

Besides creators, many don’t really understand the detailed work what goes into designing and building functional vehicles. Finding the right textures and scripts to make them as realistic as possible is a big part of it. Can you give our readers a little insight on what it takes to create one of your trucks?
Tech: Blender is a great tool so is photoshop.  Once your mesh model is in world and textured its set up very much the same way that one would build a bike or a car. Main scripts and sounds and poses go into your root prim along with engine scripts ... the Truck also has whats called a Soft Lock ... a specially desinged prim that holds a script to call and attach the trailer ... about 6 months ago we invented an autoconnect that automatically connects the trailer int he correct position with the hitch so with a couple of button presses in the menu the trailer is connected. Prior to that it took edit mode or some real good driving. Once the trailer is connected, another script relays information to things like brakes and lights so all the brake lights, reverse lights, 4 way flashers even the turn signals work on the trailers even tho they are not linked in anyway to the truck. Its just being pulled behind. 

Scripting is definitely for those with patience and attention to detail. Do you create your own scripts?
Tech:  I do 90% of my own work. In the instance I cant figure something out, or lack time, I hire it done. So I too contribute to the economy.

Not only do you create trucks, you also build trailer attachments. What is the trailering system and how do it work?
Tech:  (I think I covered it above?) Sorry?  lol

I’ve seen mock gas stations in SL but never a fueling system. Can you explain what it is used?
Tech:  There are a couple of other fueling systems in SL. But neither of them allow the owner of the gas station to make money selling fuel, and neither of them are vehicle specific.  For example, my system uses real mpg. So therefore you wouldn't expect a compact car to get the same mileage as a Tractor Trailer right?  With mine they don't. Mileage varies, and, the station owner can not only regulate their own prices, they can sell gasoline or diesel fuel. What?  You don't think I'm going to build Semi trucks and run them on gasoline do you?  :D  By the way, the vehicle portion of the TXAGO Fuel system is available for free on my sim so vehicle owners can outfit their vehicles with my fuel system for free...

Can you share with our readers the other type of vehicles, add ons and gadgets that can be found at TX Mainstore?

Tech:  There are a few lightweight handy scripts ive written, a Hydraulics Script kit with a HUD, Helicopter Script Kit, a Police Package with a very nice Police Car shell inside + Scripted police lights of various types, siren, wheels, pushbar, even a working radar gun... I also offer a beginners Chopper scriptset for 699L for those on a budget who want to build bikes.  My latest invention is TX Drive and Drag... a vehicle scriptset that can be used in two modes, for Drag racing, or normal every day driving.  Tons of features ... are we posting pics?  Like you mentioned before, about 95 % of my scripting is full permissions, so I encourage people to tear it apart and learn from it... I'm sure I am forgetting stuff ...

Many avies in SL like to find unique things that no one else has.  Do you create custom vehicles? If so, how can they be ordered?
Tech:  No.  That is one thing I do not do.  LOL!  BUT that being said I know plenty of VERY talented builders who have built amazing and unique things using my scripts and parts, and they love to show off ...

Your work is very impressive. You don’t just build vehicles and their accessories. You also dabble in media. I noticed your shop with TVs and Radios. How do they differ from the other media tools available in SL?

Tech:  I have a couple of unique 'old school" land radios. one displays the Station Song and Artist on the front screen in a variety of colors ... not xyz text on a prim, self serving prim html is used, the rest of my stuff is either again for builders or even home builders, using media on a prim technology I am able to host the web that is served up on them and people can use them ot make interesting and unique things... now you can watch a movie anywhere in SL or listen to your radio on your bike and others can hear it too as you drive by, media on a prim has made possibilities almost endless if you have the know how to toss up a website... (which I do) ... another unique thing ive done is hidden those links form the everyday passerby ... so our content cant be stolen and served up on someone elses TV or (yes people have even made movie theatres with it) ...

There are reseller vendors available. What is the incentive for merchants who wish to sell your products?
Tech:  25% is the incentive.  Many things I have created this year I havent had time to vendor yet, but I will, eventually, if I ever stop having ideas ...

I am impressed by your talent and sure there is more to come. Is there anything  you’d like to share with our readers about your upcoming creations?

Tech:  Thank you Lanai ... I'd just like to remind our readers that we are always dropping new vehicle shells for builders and always coming up with innovative products... the SL builders community has been good to me and I plan on sticking around to continue to make new exciting stuff for everyone to enjoy ... here's a hint ... do you know your car sounds different from the front than from the back?  Think about that .... 

Additional information:
Group:  secondlife:///app/group/796e6fad-d120-0feb-294b-eba840babe3e/about

Preferred Contact: email ... or in world...

1 comment:

  1. I have a Chevy Silverado 2500HD towing with a trailer which is custom made.
    Thanks for sharing!


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