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Thursday, August 18, 2016

Spotlight on Suicide Dollz- Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

Established in 2013, Suicide Dollz is one of Second Life’s longest running bi-weekly events that take place every other Sunday of each month. This event features fashion, accessories, make-up, tattoos, furniture, decoration and more with a unique darker side of Second Life style. Themes include Rock, Goth, sexy and fetish items created by over 100 designers.
The SL Enquirer sat down with Selene Starflare to learn more about Suicide Dollz and their events.
Hi Selene, I want to congratulate you on the success of Suicide Dollz. Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what inspired you to create these events?
Selene: Thank you very much! As the manager for Suicide Dollz, I handle the day to day tasks that come up with the event. These include CSR, clerical, branding/marketing, designer recruitment, opening/closing events, etc. The current owner of Suicide Dollz is Cindyjr85 Skytower. She was able to let me know the reason why she created the event. When she started it, there were no ongoing dark style events to showcase designers in one place. In her opinion, there weren’t many stores catering to the darker style of second life at that time. As time has passed many more darker style stores have been introduced and our list of designers has continued to grow.

Fashion is a way we can all express ourselves without words. What does fashion mean to you and how would you describe your personal style?
Selene: Fashion is large part of Second Life in general. Personally one of the larger reasons I enjoy SL is the creative designs that can only be found in-world. Being able to dress in a way that you may not be able to afford in RL is a huge plus! My personal sense of style tends to fluctuate day to day. One day you will see me wearing the pinkest, frilliest outfit with a unicorn in my hands and the next in a gory kimono with my katana at my side. You can even occasionally find me casually wearing sweats and a tank top. I enjoy all the different styles of fashion you can find within SL and that is part of what makes Second Life so incredible.

I remember when Goth was very popular in SL around the time when Bloodlines was new and booming.  Trends change in fashion, in both the real world and in Second Life, but nonetheless there is a still a huge market for the themes you feature in Suicide Dollz events. Besides Goth, what other types of unique things do you feature?
Selene: Suicide Dollz may offer Goth themed products but our event caters to the darker side of SL. You can find things for alternative lifestyles, as well as unique dark, rock, dirty, sexy, and naughty items. Suicide Dollz is also lucky enough to feature men’s items as well. You can find everything from fashion to home decor. We’ve even had skyboxes available at our event! We offer a large range of products for all of your deepest desires and fetishes.

Suicide Dollz events feature over 100 designers from across the grid. This is very impressive and gives shoppers a wide variety of unique items to browse and buy.  To keep your event high quality, what do you look for in designers who want to be part of these events?
Selene: We look for originality, uniqueness, consistency, and quality. We have many mesh and applier designers currently but continue to look for those who produce original mesh as well. The age of the store is no concern as long as quality and consistency can be shown. We look for designers whom’s products fit our theme, be it dark, adult, or alternative.

Besides all the vendors exhibiting at Suicide Dollz events, what types of entertainment do you provide. Do you hold contests?
Selene: We currently do not run contests on a regular basis but do provide free group gifts periodically. We also hold an annual anniversary round closer towards the end of the year. It is much more larger than our normal 30-34 designers per round. We are considering a photography contest for our anniversary round near the end of the year.

If a designer is interested in being part of your events, what must they do to join?
Selene: If a designer is interested in our event, all they would need to do is visit our website at, click on the Apply drop down at the top of the page, and select Designer Application. This will take you directly to our designer application. We are always looking for talented designers to join our event and welcome all applications from stores of any age.

Currently Suicide Dollz is running an event from July 31st to August 12th at else do these events take place and where will the next one be?
Selene: Currently Suicide Dollz is only held at but we do hold an annual anniversary round that will feature many more designers than our standard 30-34. The event is bi-weekly and starts every other Sunday at 1PM SLT. The next event will open on August 14th and run until August 26th at 1PM SLT.

Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?
Selene: We make sure to post a shopping guide on our Blog for each round as a courtesy to our patrons. Our team continuously strives to make Suicide Dollz Second Life’s premiere dark themed event!

Additional Information:
Preferred Contact: Selene Starflare (in-world) or Selene Davenport (Facebook)

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