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Saturday, June 18, 2016

GeekSpeak - The Internet of Things- Saturday June 18th 12pm SLT

We are at the beginning of a transition towards a society where everything is known. Do you think your pizza is too cold on arrival? The box will know if that is true, along with the delivery time. Is there a traffic jam somewhere? Sensors in every street light will have detected it and re-routed your car. And if you have a heart attack, your t-shirt will call 999 (or 911) and also tell the insurance company that you got it at McDonald's.

How will this change society? Will there be any privacy at all? Is there any escape from it, or should we embrace it? And what future applications can we think of? At what point will we realize that we have truly arrived in this new era?

Come and discuss small devices with big impact at GeekSpeak.

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