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Monday, May 9, 2016

The SL Enquirer and Lanai Jarrico Turns 11 Today!

In 2005, Lanai Jarrico rezzed into Second Life on this day and brought with her an entertainment news source she began in another virtual world in October of 2004.

The original TSO Enquirer focused on news being created by residents in The SIMS Online. It was at the beginning of virtual world gaming. In early 2005, she was asked by fans to bring her newspaper into Second Life. After some thought, she migrated to a new virtual world called Second Life and changed the name to The SL Enquirer.

Since 2005, SLE has provided Second Life residents with entertainment news, spotlight features, event announcements and a variety of topics related to a unique virtual world culture. We’ve seen many changes through the years, watched businesses and venues come and go and seen SL switch hands from CEO to CEO.

It has been our pleasure growing and changing with the times, meeting our fans and being an ongoing staple of the SL community over the past decade.

We want to thank you for being a part of our journey and your continued support by reading our news, advertising with us and sharing your comments. We look forward to more years with you.

Visit us at The SL Enquirer

-Lanai Jarrico


  1. Happy RezDay and Birthday to both Lanai and The SL Enquirer!

  2. To my dear friend and boss lady. A belated happy rez-day and anniversary for the SL Enquirer!! Many many more.

  3. It has been a pleasure to write to the SL enquirer and I wish many more years ahead ...


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