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Sunday, May 8, 2016

“The New Money Tree Is Actually A Lindo Virtual Flower”- MajikVixen Reporting...

So what is Lindo?  Lindo Virtual Flowers?  Huh?  You mean you haven't heard of this new rage overtaking Second Life?  Well you are missing out!  To put it simply, this is a new game designed to increase traffic and earn L$ very easily. 

The HUD is very simple and is flawless in its design and function.  You just add it, and click the watering can to water your virtual flower.  You’re able to water flowers in areas wherever the sun shines on the HUD.  If the sun is not shining, you just click the "Get Random Location" link on the HUD to teleport to a different place that has the sun shining, so you can water your flower. 

You will earn L$ as it grows and reaches full maturity.  To start growing another seed you verify a simple mathematical equation.  The HUD comes with a few free seeds, but eventually you’ll need to buy some more or pass a copy of the HUD to your friends to earn free seeds. 

Funds are delivered straight from your HUD, there's no need to visit an ATM.  This is a reliable game you can feel secure playing, and it is Alt and hack proof!  Store owners set up a terminal and seed dispenser wherever they want to increase traffic.  They can set it to SIM or Parcel and add pretty much any amount of L$ they would like to, into it.

 It was my husband JonCernunnos Resident, who first noticed Lindo.  We were at our home in Bonita Beach, and he noticed one of the neighbors had something very colorful set up.  Upon further inspection  he realized it was the headquarters of this new Lindo game.  Being an avid fishing player, I tried to get him into my game, I really did, but Jon seemed to have taken more of a liking to Lindo.  In fact, we even have a bet going that he's going to make more L$ at Lindo in 3 months than I ever have in my couple of years at fishing.  It looks like Jon has a pretty sporting chance of winning the bet! 

"...There doesn't seem to be any nickel and diming farming scheme to this," he adds, having been extremely disappointed in buying a useless worm farm after completing a quest. 

Lindo also has a great team of support agents who always seem to show up at events to greet the patrons and help support the shop owners' advertising and questions.  They are able to converse in many languages. 

Lindo was created by a Turkish gentleman, Sofistik (poltergeist.azarov), about a year and some months ago.  He says he it took about four months to release beta tests and about two months of a stable version, and that people knew about it in the 4-5 month range.  He says it all started when he was trying to write some scripts for a girl and her roof-opening building. 

A friend of his saw the roof prototype and told him it looked like a flower, which brought the totally unique Lindo project of increasing traffic, to life.  About 400 unique players join weekly. 

Sofistik noticed about two months ago, Russian, Turkish, German, and Italian residents started playing.  Lindo is promoted by word of mouth.  Passing a copy of your HUD earns you free seeds.  Terminal owners can also set multipliers to increase traffic on their land.  When this happens, the Lindo group notifies the players right away.

 In case you missed it, the location part of their website displays who has a multiplier going at any given time.

Sofistik is always improving his products.  He deems himself "obsessive about the design to make things as perfect as they can be," and rightly so.  Upcoming there will be boosters you can buy to gain double the XP in growing your flowers.  This will also allow players to increase their chances of winning weekly bonuses. 

Additionally there is a kick-back to terminal owners as well.  "For example, XP booster seeds will be around L$4 which terminal owners will get half of it."  He added, "Next improvements are all about terminal owners actually... because we want to keep its balance for both sides. We will try to reduce land owner bills as much as possible in next few updates.  And who knows, we might also help them make  profit from Lindo.  What I really want is such a market for everyone in fact."  Very exciting news, indeed!

Additional Information:



Group: Lindo

Preferred contact: Sofistik (poltergeist.azarov), Jenni Witherspoon is the English Helper, many other helpers can be found at their HQ's SLURL too


  1. It is the only way currently for newbies to make money sensibly if they have the tenacity and patience to do so. Its thanks to real MVPs like solfistik that people who cannot spend rl money in sl can at least have some hope in enjoying some things in SL bypassing the blockade that these money grabbing business people tend to put against third world users.


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