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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

A look inside SL's Polyamory Community - What is Polyamory and why has it become popular in SL? - Camury Reporting

Polyamory is the practice of a loving relationship among more than two people with the knowledge and consent of those involved in it. For practitioners, it’s a philosophy of life that is about loving several people at the same time and not in a possessive way.  At the same time being honest, responsible and ethical are of paramount importance.

The Polyamory defends the possibility of being involved in intimate relationships with several partners simultaneously. It's not just sex by the way, sex is even not needed in this kind of practice.  People in to polyamory want to establish deep emotional bonds with several partners at the same time, but with an emphasis on respect and trust among practitioners.

Agreements between poly-couples, as well as the poly-format relations are diverse, according to the needs of each. Being with two, three or a thousand people in emotional relationships, depends on the will, the desire and agreement between those involved. As in monogamous relationships, each poly relationship has a set of rules, established by consensus among the participants.

Regardless of how many rules are put in place problems do sometimes arise, which can be difficult to solve when there are more than two parties that have to reach an agreement.  It takes hard work to keep a number of healthy relationships going at once.

Thus, those involved in poly-amorous relationships put a lot of emphasis on communication as a way to build intimacy, explore the boundaries, negotiate agreements and share feelings. To deal with the problem of jealousy, poly couples talk about what might be causing the feeling, and work to reassure their partners more directly.

While many people agree with the ideals of Polyamory, they state that in practice they don’t work, either because of jealousy or because of social pressures. The acceptance of open relationships is based on an "idealized point of view" that is difficult to manage in real life and even in Second Life.

Just like in real life, in Second Life polyamory advocates the possibility of being involved in personal relationships with various partners, which makes this very popular practice in the game.

Many supporters of polyamory in Second Life consider the lack of social pressure in the game, and the facilities to establish several online personal relationships, without the responsibilities of real life, great attractions. But in general, practitioners of polyamory, in Second Life, are monogamous people in their real lives.

People like to think of themselves as sexually adventurous and liberal, especially in Second Life, but the fact is most human beings are territorial and do not like to share, especially someone they are in love with.

Furthermore, in many societies poly-amorous relationships may be against the norms of behavior accepted by society, even when they are regulated by local law. Many poly people are in the closet for fear of discrimination and social alienation. For this reason, practitioners help each other with the support of a virtual network.

You can visit communities which allow this lifestyle in the second life, and know a little more about it.





1 comment:

  1. Other places are Commune Utopia and there is the Firefly Roleplay guild in SL. I knew a few in that guild and they were staunch supporters of the polyamorous way of life.

    And it could be argued that BDSM is based around polyamory. A lot of those in the lifestyle are in open relationships.


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