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Saturday, April 9, 2016

Windlight Magazine To Host First Annual Art Show 2016- Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

From April 11th to April 17th Windlight Magazine is hosting its first annual Spring Art Show. This event will feature over 50 artists competing for a grand prize of 20,000L in cash prizes. Entertainment will be provided by poets, tribute bands and live performances- as well as photo contest, special hunts and a collaborative Art and Fashion Show! From the sound of it, this event will be a blast for virtual 2D/3D Art and Fashion enthusiasts alike!
SLE caught up with Windlight Magazine’s CEO, Johannes1977 for a behind the scenes look at this upcoming event.

Interview with Johannes1977

Hi John, congratulations on Windlight Magazine. You are doing a great job informing the SL community about all the creative Arts that can be found in Second Life. Before we get into the first Annual Spring Art Show coming up, can you share with are readers about the new addition to WM; The Edge?

John: Sure and thanks for the congrats. The Edge is the fashion arm of Windlight Magazine. Fashion is an art form and as Windlight aims to cover almost everything we can about the arts, I decided that fashion needed to be covered. My goal wasnt just to be another fashion magazine or another fashion segment. I wanted to cover art from an artistic standpoint, particularly the images and the stylings (learned this word from Eleseren)! So back in the Fall of last year, I started looking at models and thinking about the ones that would be the right fit for Windlight. The person I had in mind, would have to understand both real life and Second Life fashion and be artistic themselves. I had worked with Eleseren during my LEA build and had seen her work and knew that she was quite artistic and of course she loved fashion. After putting together a proposal for her to come on board to Windlight, The Edge was born and here we are now.
The Edge has stylists and just opened it’s own gallery, which displays fashion photographers who take artistic images. Eleseren is the editor of The Edge and the curator of The Edge Gallery. I have to say that I am very proud at the direction she has taken The Edge and it has added a new dimension to our arts coverage.

The Fashion community is huge in Second Life, so The Edge is a great addition to Windlight Magazine. Now you are combining art and fashion with this upcoming Spring Art Show. Can you tell us about all the exciting activities you are packing into that weeklong event?

John: The spring art show is one out of three we hope to have this year. It is a week long show and will feature over 50 artists. Some are 2D and some are 3D artists. We have an exciting week planned, along with the show, which offers both a juried and non juried competition, we will have a poetry night by Lyrical Cafe, storytelling by Seanchai Library, two live performers, two tribute bands, a special performance by Elysium Cabaret, even a magician! We were lucky to include a charity component, the fashion show will be in support of The National Breast Cancer Foundation and Models Giving Back is the coordinator and firm that is doing the show. Models Giving Back was created by model Jamee Sandalwood and shes been great to work with.
There are over 50 Artists being features at the show as well as an assortment of tributes and live performers. That is impressive! Can you tell us who some of them may be?
John: Sure, the artists are: Antartica Slade, Aradia Aridian, Bamboo Barnes, Betty Tureaud, Boudicca Amat, Bryn Oh, Caelin8 Resident, Carley Noonan, Cherrycarr Resident, Cica Ghost, Danity Mynx, Dawnbeam Dreamscape, Eeraftr Resident, Eleseren Brianna, GlitterPrincess Destiny, Hana Hoobinoo,  Haveit Neox, Honey Bender, Ilyra Chardin, Inara Pey, Jarla Capalini, Joanne Vuitton, Johannes1977 Resident,  Journey McLaglen, Judilynn India, Kayly Iali, Layachi Ihen, Margo Hollak, Miele Tarantal,  Myra Wildmist, Peli Dieterle, Richie Narstrom, Roffellos Resident, Sandi Benelli, Saulgoodie Resident, Secret Rage, Shakti Adored, Skip Staheli, Slatan Dryke, Sparkie Cyberstar, Syphera Inaka, Tempest Rosca, Theda Tammas, Tripleplaynitely Resident, Warm Clarity, Wicca Merlin, Wiild  Alchemi, WrenNoir Cerise, and Ziki Questi. The Edge will also have a gallery set up of some artistic fashion images.

The grand prize for these competing Artists is over 20,000L in cash prizes. Can you tell us about the competition?
John: The juried competition is split into two categories: 2D and 3D art. Each category will have three winners (1st, 2nd, and 3rd). For the juried competition we have judges who will have to vote in two rounds and the top 3 artists in each category will win the juried contest. In addition to linden prizes we also have gift cards and other items from our sponsors that will go to the winners. The show is not all juried as we will have a non juried section for artists who simply wanted to display their work or if they work for Windlight, they cannot be juried.
You are also doing a special Photo Contest and Hunt. Can anyone get involved or do they have to register?

John: Anyone will be able to enter the photo contest and the hunt. The spring show will be open to the public on April 11. We will have information on our website and in our groups about how to enter the photo contest.

Are you looking for more artists to feature at this show? If so, how can they get involved?

John: We did the spring show differently as it was invitation only. First preference was to established artists in Second Life. We also try to support our own Windlight artists and those who have shown with us before in the past so they were invited. We did open up 10 lottery slots to people who wanted to apply for one and those have been awarded. If you are an artist and missed out on this one, then I strongly suggest to apply for a Windlight or Edge Gallery Fellowship, as we will have a Summer/Fall show, along with a Winter show also.

Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers about The Spring Art Show 2016?

John: I hope to see as many people as possible supporting the show, but most important the artists. Art adds another dimension to Second Life and its just great to see what people can create in both real life and Second Life. The creativity is enormous in Second Life and I hope the show inspires others to take part in that creativity.

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