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Friday, April 15, 2016

Misfit Dance & Performance Art will be featured performers at RFL Fantasy Faire 2016 in Second Life once again this year!


Fantasy Faire is a 10 day annual Relay for Life fundraising and awareness event for the American Cancer Society.  In 2015, The Misfits performed a short program of Theater Dance Art that was seen & experienced by over 500 people.  This year the troupe will present a full 1 hour show with a fun twist for the audience after the show.

Last year the participants of Fantasy Faire SL 2015 collectively generated donations for Relay for Life that exceeded L$7,910,480 ($31,642 USA)

The theme for Fantasy Faire 2016 is "Stories" and Misfit Dance & Performance Art are proud to present :

" The Rest of the Story ...  
             a Showcase of Theater Dance Art"
                   ~ Six familiar stories with a twist!
                   ~ Choreographed group dancing with the audience to fun music with special effects

Show Playbill

Hit the Road Jack

Pan in a Bottle

Pinnochio Schmokio

The Spider's Heart

Frank's Night Job

No Alice   
      **with honorary guest dancer -  Haveit Neox -   the brilliant artist who designs & creates the  Arts & Entertainment SIMs

Followed by 30 minutes of Group Dancing with the cast!   

Performance dates:

Friday     April 22        5pm SL
Monday  April 25        5pm SL
Tuesday  April 26        5pm SL
Friday     April 29        5pm SL
Saturday April 30       5pm SL

Contact JenzZa Misfit in world for more information

The SIMS for Fantasy Faire SL 2016 are still under construction, so the location of the venue is still undetermined.  Complete information can be found at the website.

Misfit Forest Theater SLURL   

1 comment:

  1. We are so looking forward to this! Come join the fun at RFL Fantasy Faire 2016!


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