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Saturday, April 23, 2016

Looking for a Job in Second life? – Camury Reporting…

Second Life offers an enormous variety of jobs for those who want to earn money inworld. But to earn Linden Dollars we need to have skills that we can transfer from RL into SL.  On the other hand you could learn a new skill that is specific to SL and then set about making money from the newly acquired skill.

The first question is: Why do I want a job in Second life? Earning money is an important motivator, but it’s necessary to keep in mind that to obtain success it’s fundamental to find something you really love to do in SL.

One of the most common questions is what sort of jobs are available? These are just some of what is available inworld: Dancers, modelling, shop attendant, security agent, host etc. These jobs require good inter-personal skills, because you’ll be dealing with the public in some form or another. There are some jobs that require the use of other type of skills that people have in Real Life, life for example, builders, scripters and animators.  This includes artists, who use Second life 3D modelling tools to create sculptures and other works of art.

Similar to what happens in Real life, the variety of jobs that you can find in Second Life are many and varied, and you will need to use your Real Life abilities to get a job inworld.  Besides that, it’s necessary to invest in the appearance of your Avatar. Nowadays the bodies, heads and hair created in mesh are highly desired. It might be tough and unfair in some ways, but someone who looks like they were created in 2007, will hardly get a good job.

Some jobs have a fixed salary, but require you to be available inworld on specific days and a specific number of hours per week.  Others pay with tips – i.e. dancers and hosts. Sales commissions are also used as a way of payment for some roles.

See below for the easy steps you can follow to help you find your dream job.

1º Step: Prioritize

The first task starts with the construction of a list of possible jobs, always taking into consideration your abilities in Real Life.  Sometimes jobs are offered in Employment forums. You can look for Forum groups to see if someone is hiring.

Check which jobs are available in the community at the moment:

2º Step: Get in Touch

Start contacting potential employers and groups you would like to work for. In general, businesses and clubs who are hiring will have an application form for you to complete.

3º Step: Get Ready

As soon as you get a positive answer from one of the people you have contacted, schedule a day for an interview (if necessary.) Showing up on the day and hour agreed, with no delays, is a good sign that you’re interested and that you’re responsible.

Get there prepared for the interview and always show interest for the position/job you are applying for.

Remember that the secret for success is motivation! Good Luck!


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