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Monday, March 7, 2016

SPOTLIGHT FEATURE: The TEFL English School- Interview with Principal Michael Knightrider- Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

Second Life is a unique place for exploration, entertainment and being creative. It is also a place where residents can learn about different cultures on a global platform. Education is an important part of our life, so is the ability to communicate. In Second Life, residents are able to meet people from all over the world. Sometimes a language barrier can make it difficult to carry on a conversation. With today’s technology, community members can use a translator in world to assist them. However, the benefits of learning a different language can open more doors of opportunity- Not just in Second Life, but in the real world.
The TEFL English School prides itself on professionalism and helping Second Life residents learn the English language in a virtual classroom.  There are no official qualifications or Degrees. This service is to help enhance English communication.
SLE caught up with the Principal; Michael Knightrider to learn more about TEFL and what it has to offer.


SLE: Hi Michael, can you tell our readers about The TEFL English School and what inspired you to create classes for SL residents?

Michael:  My thoughts first came to me in 2010,  I remember having a massive argument with my now Ex over it, and coming back to the UK, pondering it for a couple of years I decided to do it in 2014. I decided to create the TEFL school through wanting to help people achieve their goals and dreams, learning another language is fun, but also necessary in this day and age too!

SLE: How often will classes be available and is there a tuition?
Michael: at first were aiming 2- 3 days for classes at SL times,  we are actively looking for QUALIFIED TEFL/English Tutors to take on a role where the school will be open 24/7, seeing as people live in different time zones and one time zone doesn’t always suit another person.

SLE: How big are the classes and how long do they last?

Michael: These classes will be small, say 10 to a class with a maximum of 2 classes, the reason being in second life due to Lag of the sim/ region and also due to each individual with the scripts they may be wearing, Typically a class will last for around 2 hours and would last for an average British term (approx. three months)

SLE: What can students expect during one of your class sessions?
Michael: As all will be adults, we would be teaching Business English as well as English for Leisure, if our students ever decide to visit Great Britain. We can and will be also offering extra tuition via Skype on an hourly basis rate, this will NOT be in Lindens but will be payable by PayPal or credit card.

SLE: The TEFL English School isn’t a real institution so you don’t offer a Degree to students. What type of reward do you give them at the end of their program?
Michael: On  the basis that the TEFL school is a ‘virtual classroom’ yes it is, we cannot award anyone with a qualification, we are here to enhance what our students have or are learning in real life, simply as an extension.

SLE: Are you hiring tutors? If so what type of teacher are you looking for?
Michael: we are actively seeking tutors who have worked with foreign students in the past, whether real life or second life, preferably would hold a basic TEFL/EFL qualification, has time and patients. I would be holding any interviews personally. Pay is 1000L per hour (2 hours max).

SLE: Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers about The TAFL English School?

Michael: I have been to and worked in most parts of Europe and wish I could see more! If you ever get the chance to teach English as a foreign language, do so, the opportunities are endless!! Also TEFL is not an automatic bar if English is not your first language, the fact you can understand it and speak it means you too could get a job in TEFL!

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The TEFL English School

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