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Thursday, March 24, 2016


Heart's Heaven Ballroom

For many, Second Life is an escape from the daily stressors of the real world and for others it is their opportunity to live as normal of a life as they possibly can due to medical conditions, and terminal illness.
People connect and interact from the inside out and most of the time leave their real life problems at the door, stepping into a virtual world with freedom to explore their greatest imaginations.

Heart’s Heaven Ballroom is a testament to the strength and courage of one woman who fought hard until the very end. Her Second Life was a way to find happiness and share it with others when her health prevented her from living life the way most of us take for granted.
Heartlite Jewel was a member of our Second Life community who spent her time creating a romantic ballroom where visitors can come dance and enjoy the atmosphere. When it was here time to depart this world, her wish was for Heart’s Heaven to continue on. Her dear friend Lynn Washborne continues her memory by carrying on Ms. Jewel’s dream.

Lynn Washborne

Interview with Lynn Washborne

Hi Lynn, I would like to give my condolences for the loss of your friend. Can you share with our readers who Heartlite Jewel was and how you met?

Lynn: Thank you. I met Heartlite in Heart in the 2008. She was introduced to me by a Friend. He told me she was someone that needed help with the sim. And threw my name to her. He sent me a Landmark and that was when I started as a General Manager for heart. To me Heartlite was a person that if she knew of someone that needed help she would be the one to help. Or if someone needed just someone to talk to she wanted to be the one to help.

When was Heart’s Heaven Established? Where you a part of its beginnings?

Lynn: I think heart's Heaven was Established in 2006 – 2007. I was not there to help her in the earlier days. I came later, as a General Manager.

What was Heartlite’s vision for Heart’s Heaven Ballroom when it was time for you to take over?

Lynn: To Keep Hearts Heaven open for people to come on down and enjoy and have a great time.

Having an illness is not easy, but Ms.Jewel still worked very hard on Heart’s Heaven Ballroom. Can you tell us about this venue and how you are keeping it going in her memory?

Lynn: I've kept the name of the ballroom. And we also put up an memorial so people can go up there and visit.

Heartlite Jewel Memorial

Have you made any changes to the original venue?

Lynn: Yes, We did change the music. We are allowing more kinds of music, from Jazz, rock, soft rock, pop. Soon we are going to start having contests. We also changed up the venue, but it's still open didn’t want to put walls up I liked the open look on the water


What type of events do you host?
Lynn: I don’t host. RL gets the best of me. But there are times I do try to DJ, but i don’t have set times.

Are you currently hiring?
Lynn: yes! We are Hiring. We are looking for Host's and Dj's

In keeping Heartlite Jewel’s memory alive, can you tell us what your hopes are and how people can help keep this venue going strong?

Lynn: well we would like to see more people coming to the ballroom, that was Hearts big thing always trying to get people into the ballroom. It will always be free to everyone to come hang out, dance and meet new people. We are open to any suggestions to as what you (Readers) would like to see in a venue.

Additional Information

Heart’s Heaven Ballroom

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