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Friday, March 11, 2016

GeekSpeak SL - if you were President of Planet Earth what would you do first? Join the Duscussion Saturday March 12, 2016 12pm SLT

Imagine that you are the ruler of the whole planet and no one can stop you from doing what you want.  What would you do to steer Spaceship Earth?  Would you solve the climate crisis or subsidies the oil companies?  Would you do away with borders?  Or build walls everywhere?  Bring people back to school or let them dumb down?  Outlaw all dangerous and independent thought?  Or make sure that every opinion is heard?  Would you try to make everyone equal or allow everyone to make money if they want to?  Or could you do both?

Maybe you think that there is little a President can do.  After all, you still have to deal with other people.  Perhaps no one (unless they have magic powers) can do all that much.  How powerful can a simple, mortal ruler be?

Come and share your master plan for humanity with us!  Or tell us why nothing much can be changed

I hope to see you at the discussion!

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