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Saturday, March 19, 2016

GeekSpeak SL: Are we justified in spending money on space? Join the Discussion Saturday, March 19th at 12pm SLT

There are so many unsolved problems on earth.  Should we fix those first before we attempt to go to space?  Or will space exploration save mankind?

Some think that no money or time should be spent on space while there are people in need here.  How much are we going to waste before we realise that Earth is our only home?

Others think that we will gain a lot from going to space.  There are mineral resources out there that we could use and space exploration will encourage an interest in science.  We should spread out into the universe.  Faith in a future for our species on all the planets of the galaxy may be what we need to put things right down here.

If we cancel space programs will other countries take over?  Or private companies?  Maybe we should leave it to them.

Come join the discussion at GeekSpeak in Second Life and tell us which side you take.

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