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Saturday, March 5, 2016

Geek Speak SL: If (or when?) Second Life disappears what will you do? Discussion March 5th at 12pm SLT

 Strong communities have formed in SL, people who would never have found each other in RL have become good friends in SL.  Some of us, for various reasons, find meeting people and enjoying life easier in SL than in RL. 

 What will happen to us as SL residents when Second Life is replaced by Project Sansar or when LL goes bankrupt?  Will you give up living in a virtual world and return to RL?

Or will you move to another virtual world?  Will that feel like moving to another country, or another universe, where all the rules are different? Will SL communities form again in other worlds?  Will you be the same person?  Is it time for a 'universal avatar' so that you can always be the same person in any world?  Should we start preparing now for the end of SL?  How would we prepare?  By making mailing lists?

Come and talk to us about the first great virtual refugee crisis on the internet.

Join host Erik Goff for a discussion on these questions.

Geek Speak is a science and technology discussion platform where residents across the grid can join in on a variety of topics every week!

Your spaceship awaits:

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