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Tuesday, March 1, 2016

A Sign of the Chimes by Linda Lauren

Recently, I received an email from a client and friend. She asked that I share my answer.

Dear Linda:
This morning I was sitting here at my desk and I heard chimes, like the sound of wind chimes. It wasn’t a faint sound…I thought it was pretty distinctive. I turned around and asked my co-worker if she has heard them and she looked at me as if I were crazy. Apparently, she had not heard the same thing that I did.
Doesn’t that mean something when you hear wind chimes? Is someone trying to contact me from the other side? What do you think? — Carol

My answer is based on my own experience. I have always felt strongly that chimes are an indication that your angels, guides or loved ones are around you. They are simply making their presence known. It should always be seen as a sign of comfort, but it is not necessarily a sign of a specific message. Think of “chimes” or even the sound of bells as someone on the other side announcing themselves at your “door.” Though many times we don’t always answer their door, we can always count on the sound being a welcomed visitor and not one to fear. Chimes never represent strangers; they represent someone who is familiar to us in spirit.

For instance, I lost my godmother, my Aunt Jeannie, awhile back, and I was at the hospital when she drew her last breath. I stood beside her sister (no relation) and out of all the people in the room, we were the only ones who could attest to seeing a mist rise from my aunt’s body at the moment of death. We never really discussed it with anyone. However, when we met at the funeral home, she had an interesting story to share. She told me that when my aunt was alive, they were so close that they were in contact every day by phone, at around noon, when they would take a break for lunch, Usually it was my Aunt Jeannie who would make the call. After my aunt died, her sister shared with me that she had been hearing the chimes in the backyard ring every day, with no wind, at noontime, and that she felt comforted by the fact that my aunt still seemed to be “calling” her.

So, Spirit is communicating when you hear chimes. Embrace them and put yourself in a quiet place so that you can be mindful to what they may be saying.

POSTSCRIPT: while I was writing this, I was debating in my head whether my aunt spelled her name Jean or Jeannie. I decided that it didn’t matter, and I was just about to submit this piece to be published when the phone rang! My friend, Todd, was here visiting and I looked at the phone and commented “No Caller ID.” But something told me to answer it. After saying hello, the man said, “Jeannie?”

I told him he had the wrong number, but did he? I went back and changed the spelling of her name, just in case.

4th generation Psychic Medium Linda Lauren can be found on her Island ETU Abbracciare or flying around the grid.  To contact Linda please go to her website: or IM her in SL.

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