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Sunday, February 14, 2016

Interview with Cupid 2016- Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

Every Valentine’s Day it seems the previous Cupid quits his position, goes into hiding and it is taken over by someone new. This year I decided to appoint one very sexy avatar myself as Cupid 2016. He didn’t need to be in a competition nor did he sign up for the job. Based on his charm, outrageously chiseled abs, assortment of tattoos and piercings- I just knew he would be the perfect candidate. When I approached him, he didn’t even put up a fight. In fact, he gladly accepted the bow and arrow. So without further adieu, please meet Cupid 2016.

Lanai: FFS! I love my job. Hi there Cupid...thank you for allowing me to give you the title of Cupid 2016. Out of all the men I’ve stared down across SL, I have to say you caught my attention for this prestigious and very important position.

Cupid 2016: Thank you Lanai, it is my pleasure! Any man in their right mind wouldn’t turn down such a position. In case you are wondering how many positions I’m good at I can enlighten you after this interview.

Lanai: o.O Ohhh a bold one…. I certainly found the right guy for this position but I have to decline that offer. I am a professional. *slips her number under the table*
Soooooo Cupid… How do you intend on breaking in your new title?

Cupid 2016: First, I want to start by saying every woman in Second Life deserves to be treated like a queen with the exception of the drama queens who make other’s Second Life a "living nightmare."

Lanai: That is the sweetest thing to say, and I can certainly agree with you on the drama queens point. They never seem to learn their lesson. Well, we will let Santa deal with them.

Cupid 2016: Good Idea. But I doubt he will have enough coal for them all. So back to your question. My first order of business will have to be offering some advice to the “men” of Second Life. We all know the ratio of men vs. women is severely in need of a balance. There are so many women and not enough men. When you separate the boys from the men, the ratio is just so off balance, many women will be without Valentine’s this year.

Lanai: Very interesting observation Cupid. So what type of advice are you giving men?

Cupid 2016: I’m not here to blow smoke up anyone’s prims but I have to say men need to step up their game, especially when it comes to appearance. Mesh bodies are in, so all you cookie cutter avies out there with your twins running around, need to find their own identity already. It’s 2016. Once men realize women want to see a man who pays attention to detail, then finding and keeping a woman is more likely. It is common sense really.

Lanai: I agree. Besides appearance though, there’s has to be some substance to their personality too?

Cupid 2016: That should go without saying. Having respect for woman and being a gentleman is a lost art sad to say. What I have learned through my experience with countless women is they like to feel like they matter. It is the little things that count the most. Like surprises and thoughtful dates. But what I know for sure is women can thrive off three very important things.
1. Compliments
2. Sexy arm candy and
3. Shoes.
…...Not necessarily in that order though.

Lanai: Aww you are a romantic under all that body art and bad boy style. You also makes a lot of sense. But doesn’t it also apply to women to look their best for their man?

Cupid 2016: I try.
And to be completely honest for most SL men a nice pair of (BLEEPS) and a big round (BLEEP) are enough to keep them focused. For others, yes the ladies need to step up their game also and pay attention to how they dress and most importantly how they act. It shouldn't be one-sided.

Lanai: That’s true. Nurturing each other's needs is very important. What advice do you have for the ladies?

Cupid 2016: Well Lanai, not every lady shows the type of class you do. It takes a real woman to wear a suit like you do and be sexier than a woman with all her prims spilling out. It’s about how a woman carries herself. Confidence, class, creativity with the perfect amount of naughty.

Lanai: Thank you for the compliment. I see where you are coming from.

Cupid 2016: So Lanai, where’s your arm candy? Do you have a Valentine this year?

Lanai: Uhhhhh. I’m...well….Wait. How did this interview turnaround? Let’s just say I have a lot of shoes…

Cupid 2016: Are you telling me you have a fetish?

Lanai: No! I’m just saying… Let’s just move on. *blushes*

Cupid 2016: For such a social butterfly you seem to be struggling Ms. Jarrico. If you don’t have a Valentine, I’ll use my first arrow on anyone you choose. Just say the name and he’s yours.

Lanai: *facepalms*  Fine! shoot yourself in the a** for me and I’ll see you on Valentine’s Day...and if you are stuck on a gift idea, I wear a size 6 ½.

Cupid 2016: clever little devil aren't you…and be warned I wear a size 12 *smiles*

Lanai: O.o

Happy Valentine’s Day SLE Fans!

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