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Tuesday, January 5, 2016

"To Be A More Awesome Me” - Dean Lawson reporting

A review of Second Life New Year’s Resolutions
As part of the process of evolution I believe that human beings possess an innate instinct to improve. This is never more apparent than in the age old tradition of making the New Year’s Resolutions. As coming up with realistic resolutions has never been easy for me, (my 2015 resolution to conquer the world ended as a total disaster), so I decided to conduct a survey of Second Life residents to hopefully find some examples of slightly more realistic resolutions for 2016.

When asked about her New Year’s resolution, Second Life artist Andressa DePrims answered; “I would like to dedicate 2016 to becoming a better person, a wiser soul and a gentler spirit, basically I want to be a more awesome me."
Thea Dreem replied; "My New Year's Resolution for 2016 is to curb my impulse buying habit in SecondLife! I have things in my inventory that I fell in love with at first site and before I even took a moment to make sure it would meet my needs, fit my mesh, prim count, permissions, ANYTHING, I pressed that BUY button and lived to regret it. I need to cultivate patience in my shopping habits. While I'm at it, I should stick to a budget too. I really should. I probably won’t."
Serenitee Bliss wrote; "When asked about New Year's resolutions, I think of all the usual things. Take better care of myself, be more frugal, learn a new hobby, etc.  In the years I have made resolutions, they ended up becoming something that felt like a chore thus making me not want to do them. I stopped making them. I recently had a conversation with a friend though, who spoke of their resolution for this new year.  It was simply to do one thing positive each day, be it something little or big.  I thought about the holidays and how often we save doing thoughtful things for those "special" times. I'm breaking my rule about no resolutions this year by making a resolution to use the entire year to show others kindness and not limit those positive words to only the calendar oriented occasions. Thank you Dean for asking me to be part of this article.  It made me stop and think about how I can spruce up my new year!"
When asked about his resolution, Second Life Resident Vlad Rhapsody stated; “... not to eat the mail man...again....Master gets so mad when i do that"

Vęŋǫŗą Ӎąɠįç (venora.magic) the Owner Of Dreamland Designs replied; “...Health is one of my biggest resolutions eat better drink more water and excercise..those would be the main resolutions i have for 2016..For my buisness i would say im totally happy i have the best customers in sl who have stuck with me through all the years. my resolution would be to be able to make many more creations and make people happy with them :-)"
Isabelle Sperber (isabelle.torok) the Creator  & Owner of IMMORTALS Avatars stated; "To be honest my new years resolution is to be able to learn new programs that will take my creativity to the next level and put me in a place where I feel artistically satisfied to my complete potential. :)"
The CEO and Editor in Chief of the SL Enquirer, Lanai Jarrico wrote; "my resolution is to improve on my goals for rl and SL and conquer some fears that I have so they don't hold me back"
Second Life Resident infinite808 expressed a desire to see the world when she answered; "Make more time for traveling by going to 3 different countries this year. Peru, Armenia and Mexico”, while New Resident KaylaMae09 left me wondering if I was being offered an invitation when she typed; "Well ... im going to do more excirsisexxxx"

Images produced by Andressa DePrims, 0THELLA and Ozymandius King, courtesy of MAGE Magazine.


  1. Funny and inspiring but details about the world conquest plan would have been helpful

    Tito Romanov

  2. Interesting to read different perspectives on what some people find an obligation and what others see as an opportunity to improve their life.


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