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Friday, January 22, 2016

Avie Poll: Are Politics and Religion Important Topics in Second Life?-Becca Drascol Reporting

Are these topics important in SL?

Ask most club owners if politics or religion are a welcomed topic of conversation and you will most likely hear that no, they are not. Why is that? Perhaps because not only do people have their own beliefs and views on both, but both are hot button issues for that very reason.
Religion comes in many forms, and each of us has our own thinking on it. Some are not
Religious at all. Some people could care less about politics.

Love me or hate me, I choose not to discuss either topic and do not feel they are important or
even have a place in Second Life. To me SL is an escape, a place to be whatever and whoever I  may want be and to do things I enjoy. I like to live a little more on the wild side of things in my second life. I can have jobs I'd never do or cannot do in RL. I don't think about RL things like religion and politics while inworld.

Now with all that said that does not mean that some may not seek a challenging convo on
Politics and /or religion. And that's not to say that some may even seek out religion in-world.

For some these two hot button issues very well may hold an importance even in one's virtual
life. For others there are far more controversial views and beliefs they give importance to within SL.

Becca Drascol: Are Politics and Religion important topics in SL?
NeaFarspire Resident: I suppose it can be but from experience, those two topics still get heated even on SL. I try to stay away from discussing both...smiles.

Becca Drascol: Are Politics and Religion important topics in SL?
BarricWolf Resident: Not really.
Becca Drascol: Ok can I ask why you feel they are not?
BarricWolf Resident: I do not come here for it.
Becca Drascol: Many don't.
BarricWolf Resident: I come here to do the things I can not in real.
BarricWolf Resident: I can talk Politics and religion in real.
Becca Drascol: Great Thank you. Well thought out answer.

Becca Drascol: Are Politics and Religion important topics in SL?
ExklusiveMamii87 Resident: I think to some on SL it could very well be, but for me... It doesn't seem that important... Not as much as it would RL…

Becca Drascol: Are Politics and Religion important topics in SL?
EvanDarkblood Resident: Don`t get me wrong a person can be political or religious all they want. That being said I am neither and feel that there is no place for them in SL and with all the differing views on both they just cause drama.

Becca Drascol: Are Politics and Religion important topics in SL?
LaceyNightshade Resident: No they aren’t religion and politics have there place but it isn’t within SL. I feel people are too passionate about both and it’s just an issue waiting to happen when you incorporate either here.

Becca Drascol: Are Politics and Religion important topics in SL?
Nicholle Inglewood:  I don't think those topics are important unless you’re in some type of political or religious group. To me they shouldn't be discussed because from previous experiences, it just causes everyone to fight lol.

As for In-World…
For some religion and politics hold their place within Second life.  For if they did not, churches and other religious venues I visited would not exist and have traffic as high as four thousand. Or places for deep discussions on these very topics but also on such things as atheism. I do believe even in SL that people will discuss hard hitting issues and they will discuss ones that some people wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole. However, for those I interviewed Religion and Politics were not something they wish to include virtually.

Are these topics important to you? Comment and let us know how you feel.

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