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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

5 Best Places to Spend your Lindens this Holiday Season for a Good Cause! =LilyLaceWing Reporting…

I have some strict standards when it comes to Charities, because often times most are not what they seem. One of my standards, happily met by Live and Learn, is their willingness to donate 100% of their received donations directly to the children who need it to help pay for their food, clothing, schooling, medicines, and to fight against child prostitution and child brides.

Live and Learn in Kenya/Feed a Smile

The charity, based in Germany, also employs a German based medical/dental partner organization, called "Arzt- und Zahnarzthilfe Kenya." They provide medical and dental care for hundreds of children, including quarterly wellness check-ups, and vaccinations. With a project called “Shared Joy” they are able to feed nearly 500 children a warm lunch every day.

(On the bottom right, the English link will give you the page viewable in English, on the bottom left is German (Duetch.)

Fair Play-The Forgotten Game

If you want an avenue that helps support many different charities, check out Fair Play, The Forgotten Game. They support Second Life’s Relay for Life (American Cancer Society,) and Team Fox as well. In their shop, they sell a variety of items that, depending on each item, donate between 10%-50% directly to charity, with two direct donation jars for each charity resting around the circle of vendors. So if you don’t find anything there you like, but still want to make a charitable donation, Fair Play is a good place to check out.

War Child

“War Child is a small international charity that protects children living in the world's most dangerous war zones. We currently work in Iraq, Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda.” This is a place where you, admittedly, can only shop if you need a DJ system for home/work, but it’s still a great place to donate extra lindens this holiday season to help protect children living in very dangerous parts of the world. Imagine if your child had to grow up, it’s whole life, under the constant threat of war and imminent, painful death. I cannot imagine what that must be like for a child, how that must shape their world.

Creations Park

 This is an amazing place, one I’ve mentioned before, and will mention again! Creations Park, constructed by Fran Serenade and her daughter Barbie Alchemi, is a combination hangout, underwater hang out, art gallery, Peace Nation Native American, and Winter Wonderland (see my other article this month about fun places to hang out in a Winter Themed area for more info about WW.) Creations Park donates 100% of all donations to Team Fox for Parkinsons’ Research, the charity Michael J. Fox heads up. A lot of the stores in WW also offer percentage donations of items purchased to Team Fox as well.

Bliss Designs- Mind Body and Soul-May You Be Happy!!

This is a neat store where all profits are donated to a group of charities (see list and links below.) There is also a direct donation box for Web of Life. The store carries lots of items, clothing for men and women, complete avatars and lots, lots more! They also sell ‘starter kits’ to begin your own store, full of prims and items you can modify and manipulate. There is also a free photo studio for anyone to use!

Web of Life:
Heifer International:
The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society:

‘Tis the season to be generous, folks, for while you enjoy your hot cocoa covered in a blanket watching the latest Marvel movie with your honey, there are thousands out there who are starving and in need. Also, to make a difference with real life dollars/goods, consider donating to your local food pantries and homeless shelters so everyone can have a great holiday season this year! Food pantries and shelters save lives! 

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