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Saturday, November 7, 2015

ZengMusic- Music Brings People Together

ZengMusic  started as a family of services aimed at bringing together all the best of the music scenes on and around the grid.  It is one of the multi-media services offered to bring you an in depth and complete sense of the music scene is live music venues.
    The Zeng venue offers live performances three times a week on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays featuring a wide variety of top performers as well as artists just getting their start. Every genre of music from smooth Jazz and blues artists to edgy rock-n-roll can be found gracing the stage of the beautifully built facility.

   The atmosphere is always relaxed and fun with open views of the surrounding SIM. You will get a real feel for the depth of the music scene here in Second life and have the opportunity to hear and meet some of the best musical offerings on the grid.

   The ZengMusic live venue is a natural extension of the Zeng family of services and
   has gone through several changes since it's initial inception and has finally found a home began to again offer the live performances you would expect from ZengMusic.

   Many of the artists you have read about in the magazine have graced the stage of the Zeng  venue, as well as many that you will be hearing much more about in the very near future.

 PeaceFullDay , owner of ZengMusic, wants to bring the grid wide music scene into focus and make it more accessible and give not only residents of SL the chance to hear the musical offerings that permeate the grid but give the performers a great venue to expose their talents and hone their skills and build their following. 

  The Zeng venue has hosted such acts as Dee Timeless, Franck Molko, Madmax Huet among many many others. 
The venue continues to grow and is quickly becoming known as one of THE hot spot for performers and fans alike. Be sure to catch a show here as soon as possible!

 If you are interested in performing at ZengMusic venue please contact PeacefullDay

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We Provide : 

 Indepth Interview : Interviews with selected musicians.

 Musicians Reviews: contains reviews of various Second Life (SL) musicians as well as interviews with select musicians.

 Live Music Venues: provides insight on various SL venues through our reporter's observations.

 Events Covered: lists our articles on particular events, especially the larger events that feature multiple musicians.

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2 months : 1000 L$
3 Months : 1700 L$



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600 L$ / Month


Special 0ffers :

2 months : 500 L$

3 months : 900 L$

ZengMusic Website  :

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