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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

SL UFO Threads Are Host To Heated Debate… LillyLacewing Reporting.

Fire in the Sky
Are there extraterrestrial reasons behind unidentified flying objects? This question, and the fear of its possible answer, has plagued mankind for decades. Long before we could articulate and gather together (whether in the flesh, or here, in the Virtual world of Second Life,) to discuss it, lights in the sky have been terrifying and fascinating us for all of our recorded history. Many religions, particularly Hinduism in their ancient texts, refer to their gods as having arrived in Vimanas, which if you Google that term, you’ll see they look like a spaceships carrying the sometimes animal-headed, multi-limbed deities.
I know a lot of people who’ve claimed to see things in the sky that don’t fit with what we know to exist in our modern technological capabilities; however, we also know now that our government is fond of keeping their better, sneakier high-tech devices such as weaponry and transportation, hidden from public view for up to TWENTY YEARS after their completion and implementation. This leaves a lot of wiggle room for whether what we see is of our Earth, or something else entirely.
“Hey, we can hope, right?”
I myself saw something questionable in the sky once about 12 years ago, when I lived in rural central California. It was a dairy community, so at the night the light pollution was minimal, all things considered. I saw what looked like the brightest white pinpoint of light in the sky, dancing around in ways that more resembled a game of space pong rather than any sort of known, helpful, or even possible maneuvers that I knew of anything on Earth being capable of. Also, when it decided to take off, it went OUT, not North, South, East, or West, just UP, and OUT into space. Was that a craft driven by a creature not of this Earth, or was it a machine our government hadn’t seen us fit enough to know it exists yet? I don’t know. I know I couldn’t identify it; it was too high, too bright, too fast, and moved in ways that were almost disturbing to watch, so rapid and sudden were the changes in direction.

I decided to look around, and see what others in SL have experienced in regards to UFO phenomenon. Since there were no current discussions groups happening, I decided to look for threads on the forums at I found an interesting question posed, and that was the question of the Ancient Astronaut theories, many of whom seem to be perpetuated by ancient art depicting creature that look like a man in a space suit, or the crafts themselves.
 This was a heated discussion on both sides, one person suggesting that the ‘space helmets’ depicted on some cave art/primitive art couldn’t be differentiated against their also frequent depiction of halos. I personally feel they look very different from halo depictions, if only in that halo depictions usually also have lines implying rays of light surrounding or coming out of them, coating the head of the halo wearer in divine light.
Another pressing question was, ‘Do you believe there are other intelligent life forms existing on other planets?’ This one seems pretty straight forward if you keep religious ideals out of the equation, it becomes a matter of mathematics. With so many planets in our potentially limitless universe, our own humble galaxy literally home to hundreds of millions of planets, stars, moons, it’s foolish to think our planet is the only one with life on it. Not to mention that fact that scientists have now found bacteria living in the tails of comets*, and that they’ve discovered Tardigrades, (also called water bears,) can survive the vacuum of space and hitch a ride on a rocket.** With information like this, it only seems a matter of time before we start finding larger, more formed creatures. As our ability to penetrate the previously impassable barrier of space increases, so too do our chances of finding life in outer space. What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!

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