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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

"SCARE ME TO DEATH” - Dean Lawson Reporting...

 "The Horror" by Andressa DePrims

A review of Playmates Magazine’s Halloween themed photo contest.

Playmates Magazine recently held a Halloween theme photo contest. According to Tazzy Jenkins, the owner, founder and editor-in-chief of Playmates Magazine, "... the concept for the Scare Me To Death photo contest was to have a contest that was based on merit and not friends votes."

"Most photo contests are basically a popularity contest and some of the most amazing talent is over-looked.” Tazzy explained. "We wanted a fair photo contest to give some true artists a chance. The title describes what kind of photo's we were looking for. Not cute or sexy but images that truly sent a chill down our spines. Anyone could enter the contest held at Playmates Magazine Headquarters from Oct 3rd - Oct 31st.  Excluding Playmates models, their friends and family and Playmates staff members. Photo's had to be original and shot in SL, however, moderate photo editing was permitted."

According to Tazzy, photo's were judged by the Playmates models and staff and votes were tallied to find the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners.

"Photo's were judged on originality and technique (lighting, shading,windlight and use of photography tools) ...” Tazzy elaborated. “… but mainly we were looking for that creepy, disturbing and insanely awesome photo!” 

 "Lovin it now" by JackMicheals Resident

1st place winner of $1000L went to yaboos Resident for “Dentata”. 2nd place winner of $500L went to Andressa DePrims for "The Horror”. 3rd place winner of $250 went to JackMicheals Resident for "Lovin it now?"

I asked Tazzy if there will be future contests.

"Yes we will be holding these contests every other month with a variety of themes.” Tazzy replied. "The next contest will be in January and the theme will be 'Celebration'."

When writing about the work of other artists I subscribe to the belief that art is subjective and try to refrain from inserting too much of my own opinion, however after reviewing the snapshots “Dentata” , “The Horror” , and “Lovin it now?” I must say these are indeed chilling images that include a psychotic Ronald MacDonald clown, a severed head and a severed … well, let’s just say a picture speaks a thousand screams.
 “Dentata” by yaboos Resident

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