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Sunday, November 1, 2015

Check Out The Luxurious Audi Q7 in Second Life- Khajan Reporting...

The Audi Q7 a huge seven seater SUV in the real world is a great luxurious and spacious car which has now been brought into Second Life by many vehicles manufactures. I had the chance to explore one of them by Hotaru Motors they have re-branded the rl model as SUV-Q7-AS7 implying the Q7 runs on the ACS scripts of version 7.0.

No Doubt compared to a Range Rover the SUV-Q7-AS7 appears very small looking at it from outside. However I must say it is more spacious but lacks the actual seven seaters as this car is packed with 3 passenger sears with 1 animated driver. Even in the front there is a lot of space making it very comfy to travel in. In terms of boot it is very decent but not intractable with if you’re a role-players who loves shopping.

The SUV-Q7-AS7 I would say is package of luxurious driving experience which is incredible smooth when driving it. The car is great for long journeys as having done a trip on the main grip was very enjoyable. However, I must put it down that crossing sims was not as pleasant. The driving position that came as stock was perfect for a tall avatar like me but you are able to adjust it in the menu for your personal preference.

Dashboard Layout

SUV-Q7-AS7 dashboard would say made with considering the factor of stylish in mind as it is beautifully constructed. As the textures on the car are I would say so rich in detail in mouse look I couldn’t tell if I was in a virtual car or a real one that’s how good it was. I do love the media screens as you probably know by now how I love listing to music while I drive.

Easy to drive
Well in towns and cities in SL it is generally a breeze to drive. The car offers effortless accelerations making it easy to overtake the slower-moving traffic. However, I must say in narrow lanes and busy towns I do get paranoid and annoyed about bumping into stuff so I do tend to cam out using the rear cam to drive.

The car I would say costing at $950 is a great bargain for quality like this so if you have the lindens,it is worth the money but I would suggest you try it out in the demo area of the sim so you don’t just take my word for it.

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