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Monday, November 2, 2015

A Love Story…From Second Life to Real Life- LilyLaceWing Reporting…

How one couple overcame over a thousand miles, and are still going strong today!

It was no easy task, but I finally found love in Second Life!! No, not for me, silly! I have love of my own in SL and RL (same person, of course.) No, what I was looking for, was a couple who’d gotten their start in SL, then moved successfully into an RL relationship! Let me introduce you to Laney* and Bob*.

Laney is a 34 year old young woman from California, who found the man of her dreams in Bob, 42, an RL mechanic in Florida. The two met one night at a mutual friend’s rez day party, and immediately had a connection. They spent the next six hours straight online together chatting, exploring, and generally trying to get to know one another before Bob had to head off to work. Laney found herself wondering when he’d be back online. Laney is disabled due to MS (multiple sclerosis,) and uses SL as a way to explore without taxing her RL body. She never expected to make a romantic connection in SL.

 Nor did Bob, who was recently divorced, quite nastily, from his ex wife Diane*. Diane got the kids most of the time, and he got to keep the house for his half of their visits since Diane’s family was well off and could help her get into a new living situation, whereas Bob would be left without a home, having no living relatives he could call on for help. But after that party, they were inseparable, spending as much time in SL together as possible, and lots of time on the phone together.

Finally, after about 4 months, Bob saved up enough to meet with Laney in person. “When I first saw him, I just knew everything was going to be great. He had this smile to him that was warm, and somehow familiar. I knew then that I was head over heels in love with him.” They spent two wonderful weeks together, before Bob had to return to his home state of Florida to go back to work. It was torture for them, being apart so much, so Bob would fly Laney out to visit whenever he could afford to. “She was so great with the kids, so natural. I was relieved to see them get along so well, and my little ones take to her so quickly. When she’d come, she’d often visit for up to three weeks. After about five or six rounds of doing that, they decided it was time to think seriously. Did they want to take their relationship to the next level?
 About 5 months ago, Laney moved in with Bob full time, and now spends her time with her best friend, his children, and their combined dogs, hers a German Shepherd, his a bulldog. “It’s funny to watch them play together,” Says Laney, “Nat (the shepherd) is so careful with Sully, it’s like she’s adopted her.” And while Laney says her illness always makes life a rollercoaster ride, this time at least she can enjoy the ride.

 I want to thank the real “Laney” and “Bob” for sharing their story with me, as I mentioned before, it was hard to find a story with a happy ending, but so far, at least, Laney and Bob are doing well with their happy ending. I wish you both the best of luck, and a bright future!

*Not their real names, I find anonymity allows the story teller to be more open, and was granted this story on the condition of it. 

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