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Friday, October 23, 2015

Pursue the Impossible - Lacy Muircastle reporting ....

Nothing is impossible you say.  Exactly and you have seven days left to prove it. 

Do you have ambitions of creating the ultimate piece of machinima?  What are you waiting for?
Entries for The 6th UWA Grand Art Challenge & 8th UWA International Short Film Challenge (MachinimUWA VIII)  close at Midnight SLT, 31st October 2015. 

The theme is "PURSUE IMPOSSIBLE." Artists & filmmakers can interpret the theme as they see fit. What is your impossible? What is the impossible goal you have conquered, or that you have seen your loved ones or your heroes conquer? What are the things you once thought were impossible, but now are able to overcome? How do virtual worlds help you to visualize, create, and push the boundaries of possibility? What are the things which seem impossible now, which you think you will attempt to hunt down? What are the impossibilities of the mind? of the heart? of the soul? Is it the pursuit of the impossible that takes precedence? Or defeating it? You the artist... You the machinimatographer...You decide.

For all the rules and requirements got to –

Winners will be announced in December 2015.

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