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Saturday, October 24, 2015

Halloween isn’t just about Trick or Treat- Debby Sharma Reporting...

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It’s Halloween again! People are busy getting their last minute costume accessories, Halloween party invitations are circulating  and children are getting excited about counting candy.  It’s time to get those pumpkin lanterns and recipe book out while we all wait for October 31st for a Trick or Treat! It also marks the end of Fall and the start of Winter.
Halloween is celebrated with superstitions, pranks and lots of playful fun.. Have you ever thought about the true origin of  Halloween?  It wasn’t always about costumes and candy.
Halloween began during the ancient Celtic Festival about 2000 years ago, called Samhain which was celebrated on October 31st.  November 1st was celebrated as the start of their New Year. The time of October end and the start of November every year, the days are shorter and the nights become longer, symbolizing the start of Winter.
During the Samhain Festival, on October 31st, the dead were thought to return as ghosts. As the dead were those of the loved ones, food and wine were kept outside the doors as an offering to their beloved for their last journey.  If the celts had to leave their houses for the night, they would dress like a ghost to blend in amongst the dead.
The end of harvest and the beginning of cold dark winter was closely associated with the dead and the undead. In the past, people were afraid of the dark. The fear of the unknown still lingers among human beings today.
The Celts lived in Ireland, the United Kingdom and Northern France. By 43 A.D. Romans had conquered most of the Celtic regions. During their rule, Feralia (tradition commemorated for the passing of the dead) and Pomona (honour female Goddess of fruits and trees) were celebrated along with Samhain Festival on the same days.
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In 609 A.D Pope Boniface IV, introduced Pantheon in Rome to dedicate to hour all Catholic Martyrs. Pope Gregory III, in the 8th Century introduced the All Saints Day incorporating a few traditions of the Samhain Festival on November 1st to honour the martyrs and saints. Hence, the evening before, was called the All Hallows Eve, and later called as Halloween. All Hallows or All Hallomas came from Middle English, Aholowmesse meaning All Saints Day.
In Second Life, Halloween is a big festival, celebrated across the grid. Designers create costumes for special Halloween Hunts and Halloween shopping events. Themed Costume parties are held in many clubs. The celebrations usually begin with start of October, although, the major celebrations are witnesses during the end of the month. Linden Labs started a destination category for all who love
Photography Credits: Leela Qissinger
Photography Credits: Wayward Events destination picture by Roman Godde

Reference Links
History of Halloween Video

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