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Monday, August 10, 2015

Tips for a career with an upward linear graph - Debby Sharma Reporting

Are you new to SL? Have you got your avatar ready? If not, follow the link below this article, it would help you get your personalised avatar for free, be it mesh or non-mesh. The link would also help gather a few lindens through various means like contests, sploders, and money chairs etc. which are enough to cover your initial expenses for clothing etc. But soon you would realize the need for a home, mesh outfits, furniture, dreams and more which would need a regular flow of income to sustain them.

Most businesses encourage the residents to explore the first 30 days of joining Second Life. There are a few businesses who would hire in your first month, but those are either very rare to find or if you could convince which is equally rare. So where to start?

Photograph Credits: Google Search

Step 1: Applying for a job
Like in real life, there are various places where one can search for jobs. Here are the few places that I am sure to look at when I start searching. A few conventional methods and few are non-conventional ones. They are:
·         Job Agency
·         Inworld Employment community forum
·         Social Media
·         Classifieds

Job Agency
Job Agencies are the best place to look for job. Jobs for hosts, Djs, managers and sometimes escorts are very easily found. Sometimes other jobs like a sales manager, store models etc. are also available. One can click on the advertisement board to receive an application and a landmark. Fill in the application to the detail and send to the residents mentioned.  If your dream job is not listed during a specific time period at the agency, you may also join their group and look out for them in future. Agencies and their landmarks have been listed below:

Photograph Credits: Second Life Search

In-world Employment community forum
It is the best place to look for a job. Not only it is best and a free method used for applicants seeking a job but also the employers, managers and business owners looking for efficient staff. If you are looking for employment in-world, here is the link: Under the Commerce section in the community forum, there is another head called the “wanted” forum. Apart from employment, if you think you possess some other skills, like web designing, graphic designers etc., something that you are good in real life as well, you may post your resume and employee seekers or business associates would contact you. Your link here:

Social Media
With the advent of Social Media in our real lives, Second Life is too not behind in having groups and forums for people seeking job. It is another good source of free advertising for wanted staff. Even when we are busy in our real lives, social media is something we carry with us all the time, thanks to the technology development and mobile phones. This means, we can search for jobs and look out for and apply mostly via google forms and sometimes via notecards. Here are a few links that might help.
Facebook links:
Metabiz search list

Whenever you open the search results for Second Life, you would find a list of classifieds on the right side column which shows results based on your Second life searches. These will teleport you directly to the clubs, businesses that are seeking staff where you can apply.

Professional Tips:
·         Save a notecard in your inventory to record your resume. As you progress, you will shift from many jobs. Hence, make a list of the Business name, your job position, and your employer’s name, date of joining and date of leaving, reason for leaving the job.
·         You may save a folder in your inventory consisting of all the applications you have applied for from the start. Although, it is not mandatory, however, it is recommended. For example I had applied and worked for Malibu Nights Club. It was the first club. After a year, there was an opening again for the same club. When I was hired, I mentioned that to the owners, they were so pleased that they offered me to a job to its sister concern on the first day itself.
·         Maintain good relations with your employers. This helps in two ways, first, if a new job requires a reference, your employer is the best choice, and second, the new employer may or may not verify about you from your previous employers. Just because you have left your last employer’s job that does not mean you can’t be good friends with them. For example, I had worked for Kylie Brimmer for 2 years through her 2 clubs. After, I moved on from the clubbing industry, she is still a good friend who helps when I am in need and I help her whenever she needs.
·         Aim for a professional career with stability instead of a being a rolling stone. It is important that while you have a job, you show stability with a job. Like real life, every job requires training and no employer would want their investment not earning any returns. Employers do not like people who would just receive training and take off after a short period of time. The point of stability is rated high in the eyes of your new and old employer.

General Tips:
·         If you are applying for the first time or not, make sure that while filling the application form, you write why you are the one who is best fitted for the job. Talk about your skills and how good are you at commitments and team work. These words matter a great deal than usually apprehended.
·         Be Truthful.
·         Real life happens. Tell your employer about your absence, if possible prior or else later. Don’t be afraid to let them know the reason. We all understand as we have been there too.
·         Remember that there are real people behind the avatars. Yes, it is a game. But if you are looking for a job try to be involved and give your commitment.
·         Be friendly, polite and never get involved in drama. Sometimes, it is very difficult to stay out of it. Still, if you have a problem at your job with any staff or customer, never be rude to them instead take the matter to your employer. Make a notecard and copy-paste the chat that bothered you and ask your employer for guidance. Remember, only your employer has the right over you with respect to your job. The same is true for others.
·         Above all, find something that you love to do. A passionate work can always motivate you leading to betterment of all. Most of all, if you love something, you will find it fun to do. After all everyone has come for a enjoyment in this life. So have fun.

Related links:

1 comment:

  1. To build a suitable career we should be dedicated and serious towards our career goals. Without any career goal we are not able to target for success; therefore we need expert advice. While following the links provided in this blog I am sure that job seekers are able to get suitable opportunities to develop their skills and strategies.


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