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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

New kid at the cutting table - Lacy Muircastle reporting ....

Do you know your neats from your knife-pleats; your lettuce hems from your unitards; and your vents from your yokes? Katie does ….  Who’s Katie?  She is an emerging SL fashion designer and her brand is AK Designs, that’s who Katie is.

She is from the UK and works as a charitable volunteer for Oxfam.  She came to SL after she watched a trailer for Second Life.  It immediately piqued her interest and she signed on.  She says it has given h the outlet she needed to express her talents, she said “I’m very creative in real life and love art and clothing design.”

I asked her how she got into fashion in SL and she replied “Well I was thinking of trying my hand at something new and I was always sketching dresses in real life so I decided to teach myself how to texture clothing in Second Life and AK Designs was born.”

Her design style is very elegant and formal and she loves to experiment with sequins and more classical looks.

When I asked her who the lady was that would like to wear AK Designs she said “I think my collection appeals to most women in Second Life especially those who enjoy to dress up when attending special events. I would also describe my items to be perfect for that first ballroom date!”
She draws her inspiration for her designs from magazines, YouTube videos, Facebook groups and of course real life fashion.

Dealing with Mesh has been a challenge she has enjoyed but she is loving the new possibilities which it brings with it.

I asked her what it is like to see someone wearing one of her creations, she replied enthusiastically “I love it! It's just like omg that's one of my designs! It just makes me so happy to see people actually like it and want to wear it in world.”

Her advice to those of you who may be interested in getting into the SL fashion design business is, never give up and keep pushing.   She said “It is hard work and it has its challenges but nothing can beat the feeling of making that first sale!”

Her Sequin dress is her personal favourite gown that she has designed, she said “I just love it, the elegance and way the textures fall on the dress and so far it's my best seller.”

In the future you can look forward to new releases from AK Designs, and look for her at a fashion show at Southern in July of next year. She concluded “I just want to be able to learn more and grow as a designer in world and let my creativity run wild!”

There we have it ladies, step out looking glamourous in a gown or outfit from AK Designs, by ANGELkatie.

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