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Sunday, August 23, 2015

How do you spend your time in Second Life?-Becca Drascol Reporting

In a virtual world with limitless possibilities for something to do, we could be bored per-say, but Second Life has tons to offer as a form of entertainment, work, and many other things to explore and do. There's always a new venue of some sort popping up, always some new idea that one of our fellow residents has thought up and made a virtual reality of.  When we ask  how do you spend your time in SL, I must first off answer that myself.

 For me it's a bit of it all, I have my RL spouse to spend time with, in all I do within SL. We have a virtual family as well as a few friends. I not only co-own a club but do work within our world in other venues. From dancing, to hosting and even creating and building, I can honestly say I've done a bit of everything in SL.  On occasion I like to go fishing, out to a club to hang out and listen to music. I've bowled, played SL's board games, and really am always looking to maybe try something new. Romance is another favorite thing of mine, and there are literally a ton of venues laid out beautifully to relax, and hang out with your special someone. Well now you know some of the things I spend my time doing in SL, so let's venture out and find out what others do.


Becca Drascol: How do you spend your time in Second Life?

mariejane42 Resident: With friends and family.

Becca Drascol: Is there anything else of interest you do in SL that you would like to mention?

mariejane42 Resident: Let's see, well  I  work  a lot,  and  I  love to spend  my time being a good  SL mom.

Becca Drascol: Aww great :)

Becca Drascol: How do you spend your time in Second Life?

RainyRendezvous Resident: Exploring, shopping, talking with friends and dancing at The Cotton Club every other week.

Becca Drascol: How do you spend your time in Second Life?

hewholooms Resident: hanging out and watching paint dry lol

Becca Drascol: How do you spend your time in Second Life?

LaceyNightshade Resident: I like going fishing, gold hunting and trivia. I also like dancing and  hanging out at clubs doing contests and going to romance places.

Becca Drascol: How do you spend your time in Second Life?

Taima Fang: Working the club, building and sometimes just relaxing.

For the most part I think all people in SL make SL their own in some way or another. Rather they spend their time in relaxing ways, working hard or simply enjoying others within our world…. We all spend time differently. That’s what makes us all unique. Some may like to kick back while others are always on the move. I say get out there and spend your time doing whatever makes you the happiest. After all, SL is a past time; our second lives.

How do you spend your Second Life time? Use the comment box below

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