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Friday, August 14, 2015

CALL FOR SPONSORS: It Takes a Village to Change the World- World Fair and Expo 2015 | Fundraising Campaign

                                    *** FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ***

VIRTUALVillage Media, partnered with The Delicious Foundation℠, charge ahead to raise funds for a campaign that will make a huge impact in the fight against global poverty!  It Takes a Village to Change the World is our child sponsorship fundraising campaign 2015.

The Ultimate Goal: To raise funds so that we may have an impactful contribution toward sponsoring at least 5 children around the world.

$35 a month (or $500 a year) can help transform a child’s community and change their world.

Hello, I am HoneyGlaze, the Business & Event Manager for VIRTUALVillage Media | Virtual HQ and Founder of The Delicious Foundation℠. I am writing you today with great enthusiasm, to invite you, to participate in our “It Takes a Village to Change the World” World Fair and Expo 2015 | Fundraising Campaign. We are proud to team up with our community business owners and organization leaders to raise funds for a cause near and dear to our hearts.

WE NEED YOU!  Are you ready to change a child’s life for good?

How about several children from all over the world? We’re launching this fundraising opportunity – to get your support and help our children learn, grow, live and succeed. Help break the cycle of poverty for our children and their communities.


It is our sincere hope that you and/or your business/organization will be able to provide sponsorship or assistance which would be helpful in the organization and success of our efforts. Sponsors will gain the benefits of promotional advertising and affiliation with VIRTUALVillage Media, The Delicious Foundation and our “It Takes a Village to Change the World” Fundraising Campaign. This year we hope to raise a minimum of $5,000 USD. Join us in reaching our goal.

Sponsor our Campaign Today*!!



Support our Worldwide Drive by donating via our Interactive and Virtual Campaign.

Online, we will distribute emails, social media messages, feature blog articles and more to collect funds for our cause.  We will also provide our sponsors with a “Donate Today!” Badge to assist with support.

Virtually, we will host several events, including our fabulous World Fair and Expo 2015, showcasing  the campaign and the children that we are supporting.
With the assistance of our sponsors, we intend to place donation kiosks across the grid in highly reachable areas where anyone and everyone will have the opportunity to support the cause.

Please feel free to donate via our online campaign:



Our World Fair and Expo 2015 gives our community businesses, organizations and supporters the opportunity to showcase their products, services, causes and brands to a global audience.

Attendees will purchase exclusive creations, hear speakers, attend workshops, view art from the Visual Art Contest 2015 | Art Changes the World, celebrate the world’s children display and more.

Additional ways to participate include volunteering, attending our events, donating to the cause and spreading the word.


While selecting your preferred level of participation, keep in mind that your monetary donations via sponsorship will be utilized to support the campaign directly. All proceeds will be sent to World Vision® to sponsor a child. All Online Sponsorships are tax deductible in the U.S.


For more information regarding sponsorship, volunteering or participating in our events please contact US at

Contacts: Michelle Morton, Faith Aljon, Honeyglaze Delicisoso, Raznay Decosta, DeJaa Trallis, Subtlefire Resident

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